Hatching eggs from Miss Jayne-babymakes5,byrandom,birdboy88


10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
far west Ohio
Well, I am due to receive a box of eggs from Miss Jayne this week sometime, a mix of turkey, duck, and chicken eggs!!! I thought I would start a thread to keep Miss Jayne and everyone else updated on my success (I hope!!!). The other winners can join me if they want to!
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I got my eggs today! THANK YOU MISS JAYNE!!! Twelve eggs, nicely wrapped, and none broken. They are resting on the counter, they were cold, but probably not quite refrigerator cold. My girls are happily playing with the bubbles. Those duck eggs are huge!


you wanted me to let you know whose eggs were in the box...

L - R top row:
Large Fowl Ducks and Bourbon Red Turkeys

middle row:
Large Fowl Ducks and Bantam Mixes

bottom row:
Leghorn X, Delaware X or poss. pure, Sister Mary Agnes' egg Australorp X Ameracauna & Australorp X Ameracauna

hope you have a blast!
I had to build a new bator, because my Silkies are supposed to start hatching today. I did have an early hatcher-last night a little white Silkie hatched!

Here are Miss Jayne's eggs in the bator. There are 6 designer chicken eggs-all shapes and colors, even a green one!
There are 4 duck eggs-they are huge and dirty! Are duck eggs always that dirty?
There are also 2 Bourbon Red turkey eggs-they have the prettiest eggs!

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