hatching eggs in NJ


Invincible Summer
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
I've got duck eggs (Cayugas and Blue Swedish running together-may be pure or mixed) and chicken eggs ( many breeds running together, but the Roos are EE and Turken-the hens are Black Stars, Red Stars, Australorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Turken, EE/Ameraucaunas, Brown Cornish Rex, White Faced Black Spanish, Sumatras, and Brown leghorns) So some may be pure Turken or Ameraucauna, but most will be mixed breeds. Lovely birds, the EEs have beards and cheek muffs, the Turkens have the neck bibs, The white Faced Black Spanish are just getting their whiter faces....

Eggs can be sold in any combination or amounts. Shipped price will be $20/dozen. I'll include extras and pack them very safely and ship Priority Mail.
Also I have 3 Blue Andalusians who are in their own pen. I have to finish up 1 current order, than I could start up again for someone else. These take a week to gather a dozen though, as there are only 2 hens. They will be $25 /dozen shipped.

Email or PM for pix or any questions. Thanks
sorry to do this, but I'm bumping this up. I only posted it today and it went to page 3 already. Anyone? Make a best offer even?
For photos of these eggs parents, look in the online poultry contest section and look up the EE thread, the Turken/Turkey thread, the Large chicken thread, the Broody Hen thread, and many of the chicken parent's photos are there. I'll drop the price if someone wants any, too.
Sorry for the bump...I have 1 dozen+ new green and blue eggs ready to ship out to someone...I also have about 2 dozen duck eggs also ready to ship out to someone. (See my first post re the breeds.) I can collect all brown eggs or a mixture of all tomorrow's eggs also.

I can ship any of these these out for $20/dozen or a trade for Buff Orps, Polish, Sultans, Sumatras,Guineas, and maybe others.

If you want pure Blue Andalusian eggs, I've got a few collected, and can work on getting a dozen. They can be shipped for $25 anywhere or also a trade of any pure of the above breeds.

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