Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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busy few days.y'all talk alot! lol!
Was actually able to sit down for a bit today, let the older Jubies out for their first "run" and of course had to round them up, and put them back in their coop for the night. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
And on another note, which is awesome for me and and maybe a couple others...I got my first Spangled egg today!
Going to see how/who lays for a couple weeks and then stick a few eggs in the bator.....

Caj, I am going to try and get over there Monday afternoon. I will let you know for sure tomorrow....
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Krazy are you trying to say moving is hard work? LOL we've been in our house over a year, but I still have a wall of boxes to open. I'm seriously wanting to chuck it all, but then we would just end up buying more junk. Or I should say my hubby and son will buy more toys. I should get rid of most of my dress clothes though as its highly unlikely I'm going to need them on the farm. That in itself would get rid of probably 20 boxes. Hmmmmm a project for the next rainy day.
Omg omg omg I have a pip! An external pip! I don't know when it happened because I was at work until just now but it's not a very big pip. Looks like he just dented the shell is all. I haven't opened the lid but when should I asist?
Omg omg omg I have a pip! An external pip! I don't know when it happened because I was at work until just now but it's not a very big pip. Looks like he just dented the shell is all. I haven't opened the lid but when should I asist?


She's just getting started. Don't even think about assisting yet.
Just wanted to repeat this question as I didn't get an answer. One of my Faverolles has just gone broody and is extremely vicious about it. I had to wear gloves today to get the eggs she is setting out in order to mark them. Is it possible for me to put some of the turkey eggs I got today under her? I'm moving her out to her own area in order to keep the other girls from laying in that nesting box and as she is clutching on only four eggs I figure she can easily handle a couple, three turkey eggs if a chicken will raise turkeys. Let me know.
Ignore this. I just realized the time frame would make it impossible. Duh! Now I feel stupid.
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