Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Eggs - check

Baby bantams - triple check A OK

it may be nerve involved.  it feels a lot like the pain I had when I had a nerve sheath tumor growing on that wrist.  (it was benign, btw)  I have had some numbness, but mostly just pain.  I am pretty rough on it (repetitive tasks positions and tasks)  I figure it is just a warning sign that I need to be more well-rounded and not do the same thing for too long.  I dropped an egg yesterday actually.  stooped fingers.

And EMG is a test where they stick needles in you and run electricity to diagnose nerve impairment. I've had them for my severed sciatic that lead to my neuropathy, basically drop foot, and for my arm and hand issues. I walk with a cane in my left hand and it goes tingly and painful all at he same time. Typing can become fitful and holding a phone or a pen is not easy. The EMG allowed them to see what was going on. In my case surgery is the last desperate option as it doesn't always have a good outcome. The dual hand carpal tunnel surgery helped some, but in no way solved the problem.

If you had a previous problem it may have returned. I have cysts that regrow all the time and cause serious symptoms. The last time we waited too long and they had to knock me out to dissect my artery from the cyst. It was wound around the artery a bunch of times. Couldn't figure out why I was having issues until they did the surgery. Gave me the use of my hand for a few more years.

Is it wrong to ask someone who offered to pay shipping for replacement eggs to actually pay the shipping for replacement eggs?  I was just told to get off BYC because I asked them for $10 shipping for the six Sulmtaler replacement eggs they already got.  Seems maybe there are too many low life's on BYC for my liking these days.  Thinking maybe I should leave.
Think I'll go play with the chickens.  They always help me feel better.

That's why I love my turkeys! They make me feel better when others make me own. Don't go away! We would miss you too much. Oh and your birds too.
Awwww....can't wait for those little guys.

You just wait until you stick your hand in the brooder and instead of them running away they all try to climb in your hand. It's so sweet! And such a change from flighty chicks. Oh and a few day old tommy all fluff and very little feather strutting is about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I could watch that all day.
I'm sitting here watching my hubby till the garden with the 3 point tiller behind his tractor and I just realized he just took out my grape vines and blackberry bushes.
. Crud! He'll go around a weed, but wipe out things I want and have lovingly tended, pointed out, and feed him from. Take deep breaths! Lots and lots of deep breaths. Better go see what else he's destroyed.
Just thought I would post if anyone is looking for a livestock guardian puppy. We currently have 10 Great Pyrenees puppies. There is an Ad in Buy/Sell/Trade.

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