Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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it was actually Reece poultry not KT. oops. but I got the paypal right at least!
this is my 7th swap!!!!


I guess now we say "good luck" and I mean it when it is not beating me to what I want ......
(edit) ps must get pic changed or updated. I don't remember that young thin serous girl!
You can't do that to me
! Then how will I know who it is that is posting?
I don't know very many people's names here on BYC (sorry)
, but I recognize their posts by their pictures... then they go changin' em on me... ya'll are hard to keep up with
Haha, oh well...
Quote: I keep a notebook so when I send a PP or anything I note who the contact is for that "handle"
Plus, I don't do a lot of "public" chat (here I am, tho) but basically live thru the PM's or phone.
I have been on here for 4-5 yrs with the standard drawing until this month when Hubby put this very, very, old candid of me up here. Still startles me when I scroll along and it 'pops' up!
I keep a notebook so when I send a PP or anything I note who the contact is for that "handle"
Plus, I don't do a lot of "public" chat (here I am, tho) but basically live thru the PM's or phone.
I have been on here for 4-5 yrs with the standard drawing until this month when Hubby put this very, very, old candid of me up here. Still startles me when I scroll along and it 'pops' up!
It's a great photo!

I go by photos quite a bit too and it's hard when someone changes it, but I adapt. lol
I keep a notebook so when I send a PP or anything I note who the contact is for that "handle"
Plus, I don't do a lot of "public" chat (here I am, tho) but basically live thru the PM's or phone.
I have been on here for 4-5 yrs with the standard drawing until this month when Hubby put this very, very, old candid of me up here. Still startles me when I scroll along and it 'pops' up!

I am mesmerized by that photo, it's so angelic it's almost like artwork.
I am mesmerized by that photo, it's so angelic it's almost like artwork.

Well! Now I need to wash/dry or replace the keyboard! Coffee can really go hard and fast when it wants to. I honestly have never been remotely referenced in such a way -- devilishly fun, wicked sense of humor, trouble in waiting -- yes. Seriously, the thought I was probably having was "Get that Da**ed camera away now or you will be hoping for soft t.p. upon extraction!" He married me anyway, so I guess he either likes a little pain or finds fear secretly thrilling ......
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