Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Smart people of this thread (everyone in other words) I need some help. I have a plan to build some pens out of some FREE crates I can get. They are about 2' tall and 4x4 square. I am trying to keep this at a manageable height so I can reach everything without bending over or getting a step ladder. This will be about 7 feet tall give or take but the level of CLEANING and FEEDING was my main concern. The top pen will house med aged chicks. The bottom pen would house breeding pairs, trios. I just can't justify putting a pair or trio in the bigger breeding pens and I don't have some MED sized pens yet. These pens will be where I can have electricity if needed and will move SOOOOO many birds OUTSIDE.

The problem is.... how do I get light in the top pen and still keep it weather proof? I have some ideas but not sure it will put enough light in. They will not have a run, just can't work that out in my head so not going to strain it
This is just ONE set of pens. I would like to put them in a line and attached to each other like I did the breeding pens in my siggy. Ideas or suggestions are WELCOME.

Hubby is on board with this AFTER we move
I better get to painting that house. He asked how many and I said 10.... he started to cry.... I am thinking maybe 15
The only expense I have is hardware cloth, hardware and roofing. I still have LOTS of pallets left

I am also going to make some brooders that stack out of these too. Right now I have 4 on the floor so if I can stack them I can get 6 in less space
hubby likes that idea, more floor space opening up for him.... he thinks.

If anyone want to use sketchup and make these for me PLEASE do... I am clueless how to use that software. I tried for 5 whole mins to figure it out
Smart people of this thread (everyone in other words) I need some help. I have a plan to build some pens out of some FREE crates I can get. They are about 2' tall and 4x4 square. I am trying to keep this at a manageable height so I can reach everything without bending over or getting a step ladder. This will be about 7 feet tall give or take but the level of CLEANING and FEEDING was my main concern. The top pen will house med aged chicks. The bottom pen would house breeding pairs, trios. I just can't justify putting a pair or trio in the bigger breeding pens and I don't have some MED sized pens yet. These pens will be where I can have electricity if needed and will move SOOOOO many birds OUTSIDE.

The problem is.... how do I get light in the top pen and still keep it weather proof? I have some ideas but not sure it will put enough light in. They will not have a run, just can't work that out in my head so not going to strain it
This is just ONE set of pens. I would like to put them in a line and attached to each other like I did the breeding pens in my siggy. Ideas or suggestions are WELCOME.

Hubby is on board with this AFTER we move
I better get to painting that house. He asked how many and I said 10.... he started to cry.... I am thinking maybe 15
The only expense I have is hardware cloth, hardware and roofing. I still have LOTS of pallets left

I am also going to make some brooders that stack out of these too. Right now I have 4 on the floor so if I can stack them I can get 6 in less space
hubby likes that idea, more floor space opening up for him.... he thinks.

If anyone want to use sketchup and make these for me PLEASE do... I am clueless how to use that software. I tried for 5 whole mins to figure it out

Have you thought about maybe using the white or clear roofing panels? I think they're fiberglass? We have them alternating with the tin panels on our barn roof. It allows quite a bit of light while still protecting the pen.
We get some pretty bad storms here and we decided they might break to easy in the wind and hail.... that is a good idea.
Good morning, all!
I haven't posted any updates on the threads in a while because we have gotten SOOO BIG that trying to post it has become the quite the chore. And a lot of people never see them because they get lost in the hundreds of posts per day. I know you all can go to the spreadsheet, and many of you do, to see the summary, but there is a LOT of information to sort through there before you find what you're looking for, if you can understand the way I set it up (scary thought, understanding my thinking
). So I have added a new sheet to the spreadsheet with just a summary of the week's swaps where you can go to easily find how many swaps you have done, how much time you have used, and the number of Wild Card swaps you still have available. Quite a few people have Wild Card swaps that they probably don't know they have, many thanks to
nakanich for PMing folks about the give-away, so check it out.

Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am7IlDTXygsBdHB3VDhwYjJBdTg1YVhWT3JsZXpsTVE&usp=sharing Bookmark it, use it, and let me know if you have any suggestions for it. I will no longer be posting the stats on the updates page, but you can go there to find this and other links and other useful information.

This brings up another idea that I had. With so many people joining the swap (we're up to 183 who have signed up so far!
), I think it would be nice if we had a volunteer(s) to be the Welcoming Committee. This person(s) would PM the new folks and give them links to all the important pages that we use for information and be a point of contact for questions on how the swap works (some people don't want to go public with their questions). Anyone want to volunteer?
Good morning, all!
I haven't posted any updates on the threads in a while because we have gotten SOOO BIG that trying to post it has become the quite the chore. And a lot of people never see them because they get lost in the hundreds of posts per day. I know you all can go to the spreadsheet, and many of you do, to see the summary, but there is a LOT of information to sort through there before you find what you're looking for, if you can understand the way I set it up (scary thought, understanding my thinking
). So I have added a new sheet to the spreadsheet with just a summary of the week's swaps where you can go to easily find how many swaps you have done, how much time you have used, and the number of Wild Card swaps you still have available. Quite a few people have Wild Card swaps that they probably don't know they have, many thanks to
nakanich for PMing folks about the give-away, so check it out.

Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am7IlDTXygsBdHB3VDhwYjJBdTg1YVhWT3JsZXpsTVE&usp=sharing Bookmark it, use it, and let me know if you have any suggestions for it. I will no longer be posting the stats on the updates page, but you can go there to find this and other links and other useful information.

This brings up another idea that I had. With so many people joining the swap (we're up to 183 who have signed up so far!
), I think it would be nice if we had a volunteer(s) to be the Welcoming Committee. This person(s) would PM the new folks and give them links to all the important pages that we use for information and be a point of contact for questions on how the swap works (some people don't want to go public with their questions). Anyone want to volunteer?
Good morning, all!
I haven't posted any updates on the threads in a while because we have gotten SOOO BIG that trying to post it has become the quite the chore. And a lot of people never see them because they get lost in the hundreds of posts per day. I know you all can go to the spreadsheet, and many of you do, to see the summary, but there is a LOT of information to sort through there before you find what you're looking for, if you can understand the way I set it up (scary thought, understanding my thinking
). So I have added a new sheet to the spreadsheet with just a summary of the week's swaps where you can go to easily find how many swaps you have done, how much time you have used, and the number of Wild Card swaps you still have available. Quite a few people have Wild Card swaps that they probably don't know they have, many thanks to
nakanich for PMing folks about the give-away, so check it out.

Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am7IlDTXygsBdHB3VDhwYjJBdTg1YVhWT3JsZXpsTVE&usp=sharing Bookmark it, use it, and let me know if you have any suggestions for it. I will no longer be posting the stats on the updates page, but you can go there to find this and other links and other useful information.

This brings up another idea that I had. With so many people joining the swap (we're up to 183 who have signed up so far!
), I think it would be nice if we had a volunteer(s) to be the Welcoming Committee. This person(s) would PM the new folks and give them links to all the important pages that we use for information and be a point of contact for questions on how the swap works (some people don't want to go public with their questions). Anyone want to volunteer?
I'd be happy to.
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