Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Crystal, I got 6 eggs today.
I'll let you know how they do. Candled them and it looks like a couple have wonky air sacs, but I'm going to set them anyway. Wish me luck!
Should I pack up some Denagard for you TD? I can probably get it in the post today if you fancy it.
Got a bunch of eggs yesterday, and all were packaged great. I did want to mention though, that I received Mama2my4's eggs. They were packed perfectly, and this was her first time shipping. I think she was kind of nervous about them. Great job!
Well I am back from my craft show, I didn't do too bad. I sold over half of my Laundry detergent and sold a bunch of soaps. I think it is the best one yet I did well on.
Rant warning.

Today the kids started their Spring break, and they are supposed to go with their Dad. He told us to be ready early this morning, so at 10 we called to find out when he would be here. The kids were upset when he told the 2-3 pm. At 3, my daughter who had been waiting on the porch for an hour calls her Dad to find out where he was. He said there was traffic and it would be another hour.

The first words out of my 4 yr old son's mouth this morning were, "Momma, I Daddy? All day long he has been asking for him. It just breaks my heart.

What I don't get is wth he didn't just call and let us know this stuff? As it is, we have been waiting all day for him to show up.
Got a bunch of eggs yesterday, and all were packaged great. I did want to mention though, that I received Mama2my4's eggs. They were packed perfectly, and this was her first time shipping. I think she was kind of nervous about them. Great job! :thumbsup

Well not my fist time. Maybe my 3rd....

I am so glad everyone is getting their eggs ok from me. I am such a nervous nelly! Now if I cold just figure out shipping birds/chicks!
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