Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Looks like it has the basics of chicken food. Looks like more minerals and vitamins than most of the feed I have. I am by far not an expert but, I can't see as to why you couldn't feed it to your chickens. I don't know if I would ferment it.. it looks as though the protein level is already high enough.

I agree.. since chickens will basically eat anything and you are going to add layer feed, I don't see why not and FREE !! Yeah.. I would grab it.
My kids are loving our turkey's. They are calm and collective little things. They look up at you and let you pet them and pick them up. So far, I am loving the turkey's- as for now.... they are not as loud as the chicks... for now..
Good morning everyone! Welcome to the first day after tax filing deadline. I feel like it should be a paid holiday
I can now really be serious about my chickens
And my emoticons, apparently. I am brainstorming a grow-out pen to start. Then on to the breeder pens. Should I leave the boys together? Split them into the appropriate groups right to start? People have roos together without them killing each other. Is that because they grow up together or because people are smarter than I am. Oh so many things to think about. My goal is to get eight coops/pens put together. I am trying to design something that we can put together quickly on an assembly line (cut pieces, put together, rinse and repeat). If I can figure something that works for us, then I can add more in the future if I need/want to. We have limited space (.55 acre), but it's huge for being in the middle of the city.

In other news, I still don't have my car back, but at least it is covered. I am also scheduled for LASIK this Friday, and am super excited to be able to see without aid
How is everyone doing today?
Has anybody heard from Srpaint or gotten any of the sebbies eggs they claimed from her last fall. I pm'd her but haven't gotten a response. I thought the geese start laying early and stop early too.

I do know that my peafowl still have not laid me 1 egg or even my guineas which I think is strange. They usually have laid a bunch of eggs by now. Maybe it is all of this strange weather we are having.
Has anybody heard from Srpaint or gotten any of the sebbies eggs they claimed from her last fall. I pm'd her but haven't gotten a response. I thought the geese start laying early and stop early too.

I do know that my peafowl still have not laid me 1 egg or even my guineas which I think is strange. They usually have laid a bunch of eggs by now. Maybe it is all of this strange weather we are having.
She hasn't been on in a while. I know she was having personal issues so I don't know what to say.
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