Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I am baffled..... I have chicks that look healthy, happy, eating well and running around one minute.  The next they start gasping and die in less than a hour?????  What the heck is this????

Oh no!!! Not the dottes?!?

Have you cleaned the brooder with anything different than you normally use? No sign at all of cocci? I lost a couple of chicks last year that had zero signs or symptoms, and the lab diagnosed cocci. I didn't lose them quite as quickly as that, but it's still something to consider.
Side swap with DMRippy tacking #

Please add to my total egg swaps
I have a black barthuhner egg in lock down and it has an active chick in it!!

And here I thought I had put down all the black barthuhner chicks I got from GFF due to issues. I was sitting in my young juvie pen and what should happen to run by me? A black barthuhner!!!
I need to inspect it this weekend to make sure there are no issues with it.
I have a black barthuhner egg in lock down and it has an active chick in it!!

And here I thought I had put down all the black barthuhner chicks I got from GFF due to issues. I was sitting in my young juvie pen and what should happen to run by me? A black barthuhner!!!
I need to inspect it this weekend to make sure there are no issues with it.
it was hiding from you
Side swap with DMRippy.
DC# 9405503699300412830676

I really hate the PO. I dropped off 4 other packages with this box yesterday. All 4 of the other packages show they left yesterday and of course the box of eggs didn't leave until today.
I have a black barthuhner egg in lock down and it has an active chick in it!!

And here I thought I had put down all the black barthuhner chicks I got from GFF due to issues. I was sitting in my young juvie pen and what should happen to run by me? A black barthuhner!!!
I need to inspect it this weekend to make sure there are no issues with it.
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