Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I know for me I am swamped.............beyond swamped............so swamped we havent even started the garden or breeder pens. We are a full year behind on projects because of hubby's stroke last year. I tend to take longer this time of the year to respond to anything because of being under time crunches to ship before temps get too high. I also find that people dont get how valuable time really is, or understand FAMILY RUN truly means family run. We dont have employees to feed, water, clean. We live where we work, we have kids, we have a LIFE and well if we have 200 eggs hatching I might be just a tad busy. I dont like it, but it can take me a few days to a week to email back at times.
I know for me I am swamped.............beyond swamped............so swamped we havent even started the garden or breeder pens. We are a full year behind on projects because of hubby's stroke last year. I tend to take longer this time of the year to respond to anything because of being under time crunches to ship before temps get too high. I also find that people dont get how valuable time really is, or understand FAMILY RUN truly means family run. We dont have employees to feed, water, clean. We live where we work, we have kids, we have a LIFE and well if we have 200 eggs hatching I might be just a tad busy. I dont like it, but it can take me a few days to a week to email back at times.
x2 on the swamped. I get where people get frustrated about not hearing back from someone, but as Shellie said above.... we have lives.... here is a normal day for me:
I get up at 4:30 in the morning. Check on all the animals, make sure all the little ones have water. Let the dogs out....etc etc. get ready for work, sometimes even have a minute or 2 for breakfast. I leave at 645 to hopefully get to work by 8. I don't get off until 4:30 and the traffic is crazy, so sometimes I get home 5:30 sometimes 6. I have horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, and over 150 adult birds, and probably about 150 chicks in various ages/stages. I don't have my autowaters installed yet, so I have to fill every pen individually. I don't have auto feeders so that has to be done daily usually as well. I have a garden that is being over grown with weeds. My husband helps throw hay to horses once inawhile, that is it. So, on top of my 10.5-11 hr work day including the 2+ hr round trip 5 days a week, and it usually takes me over 2 hours to feed everyone in the afternoon. There still is laundry, housework, I may get dinner may not. If there are eggs to be shipped, then they have to be boxed up. Oh, and somehow I try to get 5-6 hrs of sleep. Soooo that beng said, I get to make a quick comment on here when I have my phone out with me feeding. I get to some PMs, some I don't. Sorry guys. There is my rant. and on the family run farm.... it is me. I am the one running the farm. I scrub I clean, i worm, i trim the butts. So I am sorry guys, if I am not responding to you. Then on my two days off every week, I cram what I can in those days....I stay behind.
x2 on the swamped. I get where people get frustrated about not hearing back from someone, but as Shellie said above.... we have lives.... here is a normal day for me:
I get up at 4:30 in the morning. Check on all the animals, make sure all the little ones have water. Let the dogs out....etc etc. get ready for work, sometimes even have a minute or 2 for breakfast. I leave at 645 to hopefully get to work by 8. I don't get off until 4:30 and the traffic is crazy, so sometimes I get home 5:30 sometimes 6. I have horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, and over 150 adult birds, and probably about 150 chicks in various ages/stages. I don't have my autowaters installed yet, so I have to fill every pen individually. I don't have auto feeders so that has to be done daily usually as well. I have a garden that is being over grown with weeds. My husband helps throw hay to horses once inawhile, that is it. So, on top of my 10.5-11 hr work day including the 2+ hr round trip 5 days a week, and it usually takes me over 2 hours to feed everyone in the afternoon. There still is laundry, housework, I may get dinner may not. If there are eggs to be shipped, then they have to be boxed up. Oh, and somehow I try to get 5-6 hrs of sleep. Soooo that beng said, I get to make a quick comment on here when I have my phone out with me feeding. I get to some PMs, some I don't. Sorry guys. There is my rant. and on the family run farm.... it is me. I am the one running the farm. I scrub I clean, i worm, i trim the butts. So I am sorry guys, if I am not responding to you. Then on my two days off every week, I cram what I can in those days....I stay behind.
I completely understand. I am in the same situation. I have a husband with a full time job 6 day a week and part time job cutting lawns in the evening. I am a home health nurse. I travel 1.5 hours to 2 hours each way to get to work. I leave the house at 430 in the morning don't get off till 6 or 8 at night. I get home at 10 or 11. I still have household choirs to take care of. Get in the bed around midnight. On my 3 days off during the week is when I try to get to everything else. Also have 2 special needs children to take care. I try to get swaps out as fast as I can but sometimes I there is not enough time. Some days I don't even get out to check on the animals except with a flash light in hand just make sure everyone is ok.
Oh dear, sorry guys!! Just wanting to get your opinions if it was ME that was doing something or saying something wrong

I work full-time, have 3 boys under 8 that need my attention when I am home, I'm 2 weeks behind on my laundry and a year behind in organizing my basement, there's a stack of books on my dresser that have been sitting there for a month waiting to be put away (like it's that hard to move them, but when kids are hungry or crying, well it is) the kitchen is a disaster, and when I'm not working, DH is looking for a job or in UT working for his family to earn extra money (which makes me a single mom when he's away and already tired from working 3-4 12 hr shifts in a row so that he can go out of town) I also have responsibilities at my church (all volunteer) that take my time at least one evening a week, and that doesn't even count the birds and the other stuff... so I certainly understand busy and behind... I haven't even started planting my cold weather crops (should have done that 2 weeks ago, lol)

Apparently, the moral of this story is to give each other a break
I would keep the turkey!
Of course I would notice the turkey!

That's Hwobbles. The turkey the feedstore gave to me because she was badly splayed. She has some major hip problems, and I won't be able to let her grow full size... But I love her all the same!

No internet means they can't contact you. How long would it take an express box to get to you from Florida?

If they can get FB on their phone, they can send out emails too.
That's Hwobbles. The turkey the feedstore gave to me because she was badly splayed. She has some major hip problems, and I won't be able to let her grow full size... But I love her all the same!
If they can get FB on their phone, they can send out emails too.
If it was that the internet wasn't working (and it probably was- it was a disaster yesterday with centurylink on a nationwide level- our business and almost everyone in the tri-city area was down from around 8am-3pm yesterday) and it was centurylink- it is almost impossible to log on to century link from your phone- I would use my phone as a hotspot long enough to get any emails that may be important from customers at our shop. It takes forever to just get one simple email from centurylink on my phone that it is not worth the hassle.
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