Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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The friend is from here. The birds were a 2 hour drive from here.

Definitely kills the excitement, because now I feel awful.
I'm sure you can work something out with your friend. You didn't know.
If it was that the internet wasn't working (and it probably was- it was a disaster yesterday with centurylink on a nationwide level- our business and almost everyone in the tri-city area was down from around 8am-3pm yesterday) and it was centurylink- it is almost impossible to log on to century link from your phone- I would use my phone as a hotspot long enough to get any emails that may be important from customers at our shop.  It takes forever to just get one simple email from centurylink on my phone that it is not worth the hassle.  

Now I know why I had very limited Internet yesterday. And to think I called them to see if there was a problem and they said no. Hmmmmm

That might certainly be so.
For me, out in the woods, I have spotty cell service, and I have an "Internet chair" that I have to sit in to get service (but have to be outside when I am making phone calls... Have to stay in one place too, which is very hard for me, I am a pacer when on the phone!) but I can access anything as long as it isn't a flash website (apple + adobe = not friends). I'm pretty sure all smart phones (unless contract free) have data plans.
Lol, I was just meaning to say GFF has no excuse for contacting people when shipping chicks... If they where on FB like WV said, even on a mobile phone, they could make an effort to have let you know. Shame on them.

We used to have that problem with our old provider, but once we switched we have no issues. The funny thing was our old provider claimed to have the better service. They even tried telling us that if we bought a new phone it would solve the issue. So I did, but from a different company. Service is great now!
Morning everyone. Hope y'all are well! Sorry I haven't been around much. It's been a crazy time here. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.

So for those of you who love the project buff faverolles as much as I do you'll be sad to hear that I have to give them up. They're so fun and wonderful but I have too much on my plate and I agreed to take at least one breed out and I have to take my other flocks back to quints. Apart from the Bresse as my neighbor helps with them.

Anyway. Basically I have had some sort of hormonal thing my whole life and Drs have always thought it was my thyroid which has been tested a ridiculous amount of times for various things and its never abnormal. So I was referred to an endocrinology dept at OHSU and after a consultation they suspect that it may be Cushings Syndrome, which one of us is more than familiar with.

Now granted I haven't gone through the testing yet. So
it may not be CS at all. It's just been really playing on my emotions and mental state. We want to have a third baby and this could potentially affect that along with many other scenarios etc.

If Im late or seem distant it's because of all of this. That and to top it all off I may have been bitten by a bloody hobo spider in my sleep two nights ago.

I must've seriously looked like a crazy chicken lady sat out in a field with my juvenile turkeys in my lap and on my shoulder bawling my face off yesterday evening. It's just been a weird last few weeks. Sorry to drop such a long post. I just really needed to share.
And prayers.
Quote: I am the same way-five children, ages 8 and under, and my husband drives truck locally (so he is home every day-long enough to eat supper with us and get 5 hours of sleep), I also drive back and forth to school (8+ miles each way) twice a day. I have ducks, geese, chickens, quail, peafowl, cats, and a dog, as well as a large garden. I usually am pretty quick to reply to messages, but lately I have had to determine which were the most pressing to answer and some got neglected. I am sorry for this. Tomorrow is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
I also am helping Rachael as much as I possibly can, but I have been hit with some unexpected news from several angles lately, as well as Rachael generously sharing whatever she was sick with, so I am a little run-down right now.
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