Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Autumn, I am stalking you for some of the Ban Cochin eggs from you. Love your roo in your avatar

I love him... right now he is only going with one mottled hen... the MF hen I was sold, well I am pretty sure it is a rooster.. or at least is acting like a roo. But that is a whole different story.

But as soon as I am getting cutie patootie chicks and enough eggs... I will be sharing the love with eggs.
I have to admit that I was so relieved that I had not overcommitted myself too much when I had the MG thing crop up. and you never know when something like that can happen. So I too am in favor of a time limit. (not that I am swapping, LOL. does my vote still count?) I don't know WHAT I would have done if I had owed a bunch of swaps. I was lucky that I was owed some eggs, too, and was able to work out a deal where the person who owed me was willing to send to the people I owed.

Whew. otherwise I'd have been refunding a bunch of Paypal.

(And to the others that owed me eggs...unless they are Orpingtons, you are absolved of having to send me any. I still want/need Orpingtons, though. Both for me and for a friend that I said I would "set up" with chickens. plus they are Friggin' cute and I need cute in my life.)
SFH eggs leaving to head to TNBear (that should have left last week, but the hens thought otherwise)
You know.... from time to time (the last 2 months) my hens do the same thing.

I agree with everyone on a 2 month swap limit. - we all still know that a hen can go broody at the drop of a hat but, it is easier to keep up with 2 months rather than 4+ months. I am finally getting caught up on swaps. For everyone that is waiting... I am still testing fertility on my GL/BL brahmas. My Gold laced roo just fell over dead and I had to replace him with my other two backups that were apparently so afraid of the previous roo that they have just now started crowing (they were 8 months old!) Please be patient with me as I will get out swaps as soon as I can for them. I think the biggest majority of my swaps that are owed out are for Summer- a few for fall....
Isbar eggs! Two from Friday, two from Saturday, two from Sunday, one so far from today :)

And should you ever have wondered, yes, this is why I almost never post pictures and when I do it's usually an insanely big batch. My phone takes HORRIBLE pictures, and getting them off the durn thing and onto my computer is an enormous time-suck :) But still, I wanted to show you guys!
Hey where are pictures of the curly crew???

This is the only pic I have with me at work (and it's an old one,lol) but I will post some newer one from home.

We LOVE our Sebbies! They are the cutest things ever and I'm enjoying them even more than my chickens

The kids are super attached to them and spend most of their free time snuggling them. To my surprise the geese actually enjoy it and come running and honking for snuggles

The crack me up too- they spend half the day trying to tear apart a bale of straw and the other half preening my hammock. And they love hanging with all my hens but the roos get chased off- crazy geese
Isbar eggs! Two from Friday, two from Saturday, two from Sunday, one so far from today :)

And should you ever have wondered, yes, this is why I almost never post pictures and when I do it's usually an insanely big batch. My phone takes HORRIBLE pictures, and getting them off the durn thing and onto my computer is an enormous time-suck :) But still, I wanted to show you guys!
They look marbled grey on my computer. LOL
anyone have SusanRenee's mailing address? I have a swap ready and don't have it. I am headed to the PO in about 15-20 mins.
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