Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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:hugs Wow, try polyvisol too on the chick. I've used it to fix wry neck on silkies.
Thanks! I'll run to the store to get some. So far I'm having a really difficult time getting anything in her. Right now I'm still trying to do the Epsom salt water flush. I did get two syringes in/all over her, and then I attempted some nutridrench of which I'm pretty sure I don't need to take vitamins for at least a year with what I'm wearing. Man vitamins stink! Alex lost his little silver sebright, little Lisa, to it a few years back when corn got so moldy. He didn't realize that that blue stuff was bad. Hard lesson, but he learnt. This is a friend of his from school. He and his mom just showed up this morning with her. They had heat on in the brooder because we had just had a cold spell, and yesterday it was around 90. Mold growing temps. I hope I can save her, but I'm not hopeful. I think they may have waited too long.
After getting my Brinsea cabinet I hatched waaay to many chicks :barnie and had rabbit cages, boxes and bins full of chicks everywhere :th I needed to organize and was looking at those neat GQF brooders :drool unfortunately the price tag was too much for me :hit So...here is my poor mans version of a stackable brooder It cost me less than $100.00 to make and took 1 full day to complete it working by myself. All the supplies (including the metal shelving) were purchased at Lowes. This brooder has been a lifesaver. I have 2 shelves set up with ecoglows for the little ones and 2 shelves for the older guys. Once they outgrow this outside they go! I use the sneaky supermarket trick when selling chicks... I make sure all the ones I want to sell are on the bottom 2 levels right at kid level ;)
That's just awesome! I took mine apart and put them on these huge laundry racks my hubby brought home. I use one for starts for the garden, and one for the brooders. The bottom shelf I can use totes, and its on 6 inch wheels, so high enough for my stupid back. The top shelf is a flight guard and I can hang a light if need be. I love your idea!
Thanks! I'll run to the store to get some. So far I'm having a really difficult time getting anything in her. Right now I'm still trying to do the Epsom salt water flush. I did get two syringes in/all over her, and then I attempted some nutridrench of which I'm pretty sure I don't need to take vitamins for at least a year with what I'm wearing. Man vitamins stink!

Alex lost his little silver sebright, little Lisa, to it a few years back when corn got so moldy. He didn't realize that that blue stuff was bad. Hard lesson, but he learnt. This is a friend of his from school. He and his mom just showed up this morning with her. They had heat on in the brooder because we had just had a cold spell, and yesterday it was around 90. Mold growing temps. I hope I can save her, but I'm not hopeful. I think they may have waited too long.
That's just awesome! I took mine apart and put them on these huge laundry racks my hubby brought home. I use one for starts for the garden, and one for the brooders. The bottom shelf I can use totes, and its on 6 inch wheels, so high enough for my stupid back. The top shelf is a flight guard and I can hang a light if need be. I love your idea!
Get poly-vi-sol without Iron. I usually give it to them every couple of hours.

Just picked this last egg up. Guess who's getting an egg shipment sent today!
I was going to say something about back problems too. I have a stacking brooder like that. It is about 12 inches off the ground and I STILL have to get on the floor to get the bottom brooder feed and watered. The top is too high for me too... I have to step on something to get up to the top. Just thinks to think about.

I would also make the door in 2 parts. My chicks like to jump out ALL the time and my door is smaller but big enough so I can get a Gallon waterer and feed through the door.

Maybe this week I am going to get some 4 x4 crates and put one on top of the other. (they have tops too) I am going to cut a door on the side to get in to feed and water. I am going to try to add nipples. Much less mess but the babies do drip more water than the big birds. I will get some pictures when I get those done. They are going to have legs too. I just can't bend over like I used to.

Just picked this last egg up. Guess who's getting an egg shipment sent today!
wooohoooo.............. I will be picking your brain as hubby is all into these midgets lol

Quote: x2!!! Save a chick, poly visol no iron and nutri-drench are must haves.

molasses and epsom salts for flushes for toxins too

if you dont have the poly visol warm sugar water offered while you run to pick everything up is a good temp drink to boost them
I can't give you an educated response for the toxins (slipping my brain at the moment), but my booster is honey, powdered feed (pop some into a coffee grinder set on espresso) and water. Enough to make it into a sludge. Depending on the situation, sometimes I'll *** a bit of salt, like when the goslings guzzled down water and started getting tipsy.
I was going to say something about back problems too. I have a stacking brooder like that. It is about 12 inches off the ground and I STILL have to get on the floor to get the bottom brooder feed and watered. The top is too high for me too... I have to step on something to get up to the top. Just thinks to think about.

I would also make the door in 2 parts. My chicks like to jump out ALL the time and my door is smaller but big enough so I can get a Gallon waterer and feed through the door.

Maybe this week I am going to get some 4 x4 crates and put one on top of the other. (they have tops too) I am going to cut a door on the side to get in to feed and water. I am going to try to add nipples. Much less mess but the babies do drip more water than the big birds. I will get some pictures when I get those done. They are going to have legs too. I just can't bend over like I used to.
what do you do for heat in this
I do split doors on most things here, usually the split happens half way up so the top hinges down towards the floor of the brooder. I like water bottles and quail water jugs for chicks.

Heat sources that are my fav or the sweeterheaters and the brinsea eco brooders. I do have 3 ceramic heat bulbs as well, but no red heat lights
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