Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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lol mini.....just wanted to let her know that the OEGB pair I picked up for her, the pullet laid her first egg today...yayyy!
Quote: It was in a discussion of lethal genes in the Chicken Health Handbook. It's called Donald Duck syndrome and causes the chick to die in the shell in the last few days of incubation. It causes the upper bill to curl up slightly and the lower bill to curl down slightly. It is noted as being found in Barnevelders.

I wonder if your problem could be a less severe form.
how old are they clucki? my bantam cochin eggs weren't fertile for a couple months after they started laying. The roo was young and inexperienced and I wasn't into trimming butts at that point, so I just let them alone....three weeks ago I decided to test a couple eggs, and now I have the cutest little blue bantam cochin in the inkie waiting on a sibling to show up tomorrow. I guess Nizzle finally learned how!
ha! I don't think so! I have that name copyrighted dang it!


Huh! I didn't think of that. They just started laying, what? Four weeks ago, maybe. About that. I know Fat Elvis has been trying to do his job, very assiduously too
I've got a round of eggs that was supposed to go in tonight, but nooo -- there's a cuckoo marans hatching so I can't open the 'bator. So it'll have to be tomorrow. Then I'll set another batch Monday or Tuuesday, now that they had their butts scalped again today! If that one's no good either, I'll break out the tweezers

UHG, suddenly I'm feeling overwhelmed with eggs and chicks...

Feeling some selling coming on at my house....

Are too many chicks even possible???

Well, actually there's only so many fuzzy bottoms I can check for pasty butt in a day, myself
So I guess yeah!

Pics of my jubilee trio really close to the point of laying!

Oh, just beautiful, Stephanie! What lovelies!

I wandered off into the kitchen and since I couldn't set eggs, I used up the cream that needed to be used making ice cream base, used all the egg whites and made an angel food cake, and tossed together a green bean casserole with the last of last year's harvest :) YUMMY!
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