Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I just put 25 Campine eggs in lockdown from debs_flock. Awesome awesome eggs. Now if I can just get them to hatch!

Good luck!
I get that roosters fight, but I am curious, when is it too much? I read posts about bachelor pens and see pictures of multiple roosters together, how do you keep the peace between boys? My ameracauna boys are starting to get a bit aggressive toward each other. DH said that he took them and penned them both down for a bit. I saw one of the SBEL boys pin down one of the ams, but I felt it was normal dominance play at the time. Any tips or suggestions? I was planning on having a bachelor/meat pen (supposed to be building that this weekend. If boys that are hatch mates are sparring, how do you introduce new boys?
That's normal behavior for flock position. As long as they don't draw serious blood I would let them work it out. If serious blood the remove the aggressor. Even penned all girls will fight pretty rough sometimes.
Don't be sending me any of that PMS you're talking about.
Yeah me either! Having a bad day is not on my list, so no PMS please.
I don't know -- my personal gut reaction reading the above is I'd find a new trainer pronto. But that's just me.

Mine is to go get my baby girl, but maybe I'm part of the problem! She's supposed to be really good, and has trained for a very long time. I'm not able to do it myself physically or I would and hubby skips over many steps because he thinks they aren't important, so maybe Bonnie is just confused. I'll take her out to or row and see how she behaves with me. The trainer can watch and see if there is anything she could do differently. Bonnie definitely needs a light touch and maybe she's being too heavy handed. Bonnie's what they call a SENSITIVE horse. Gee maybe Krafty sent some PMS to her.
Just in case anyone has questions
Had 100 % success rate with just changing a few things about the way I hatched (thanks to all you crazy chicken people) :) "I am 1 too"

Or to report that you got your eggs / hatched your eggs or anything else you want to talk about
That's normal behavior for flock position. As long as they don't draw serious blood I would let them work it out. If serious blood the remove the aggressor. Even penned all girls will fight pretty rough sometimes.
Yeah me either! Having a bad day is not on my list, so no PMS please.

That's what I thought and what I needed to hear. I read a LOT about chickens, but reading is not doing. This is a new world for me still and I panic a bit sometimes. Thank you for the reassurance.

I'll pass on the PMS also.
yes I did, and that is awesome, ty!! I will be able to sit down and go through PMs tomorrow and send out more PMS about swaps be sent the upcoming week... I only do so many at a time, because otherwise it is too overwhelming..
I completely understand. I just wanted to make sure you got it.
Bonnie's what they call a SENSITIVE horse. Gee maybe Krafty sent some PMS to her.

I didn't realize she was boarding at the trainer's. She might simply be nervous at being in a new place with people she doesn't know. It does sound like she has a real strong emotional attachment to you, so yeah, it might be as simple as scared and confused without her "mommy" :) Admittedly, I've known horses that would milk any emotional coddling they got for all it was worth -- and then I've known horses that really needed that emotional support to feel confident and secure. Hopefully your trainer is sensitive enough to spot the difference, but I always worry when a trainer seems honestly to dislike a horse, ya know?
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