Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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No takers on the Sussex!? Oooh I can see how I'm going to be in sooo much trouble once my three months are up! :) Lol
No takers on the Sussex!? Oooh I can see how I'm going to be in sooo much trouble once my three months are up! :) Lol

Hmmm, I got a box this week. Wonder what is in it?

Mine mine mine
Hey everyone, Haven't been on the swap in a long time, but just wanted to peek in...

I was recently informed by a member of the swap that I am last on the list to receive my spring eggs that were claimed last fall. Unfortunately, that timing really isn't going to work out for me, so I thought I would offer these swaps here to anyone who might be interested, and who would be willing to wait potentially until June 21st. I am not selling these swaps, they are free to whomever would like them and could use them. Just send me a pm with your address and any special instructions so I can provide that info to the sender, so as to minimize any confusion later on.

What I have available is listed on my swap page in RED


Looking for eggs that can be sent between june 8 and june 22, in the following breeds.

Russian orloff
leghorn (rose comb)
Quail (specify breed you have)
small size heritage turkey

Pm me with what you got and a price or suitable swap
Hey everyone, Haven't been on the swap in a long time, but just wanted to peek in...

I was recently informed by a member of the swap that I am last on the list to receive my spring eggs that were claimed last fall. Unfortunately, that timing really isn't going to work out for me, so I thought I would offer these swaps here to anyone who might be interested, and who would be willing to wait potentially until June 21st. I am not selling these swaps, they are free to whomever would like them and could use them. Just send me a pm with your address and any special instructions so I can provide that info to the sender, so as to minimize any confusion later on.

What I have available is listed on my swap page in RED


Thanks everyone, these are spoken for!
Ok you creative people. I have a challenge for you.

I have 15 of these solar lights, most of the panels don't work anymore (or the rechargeable battery is shot) but they have these glass globes on them. I am trying to thing of a way to make them into feeders for the chicken coops... I think they'd be cool looking, maybe not all that practical, but id like to reuse them.
Any suggestions?

I contemplated the idea of taking the solar panels and rigging them to heat an outside brooder, but pretty sure that is above my skill level.
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