Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I have been contacting everyone as their names come up on the list. Yep, got a lot a swaps to fill. I am filling them. I am not pm'ing everyone all the time, there are too many. And have publicly posted that here on many occasions. You were in fact coming up on the list. You pmed me Friday nite. Sorry I didn't respond until Saturday nite. Oh my goodness. I was a day late. And that was after I was made aware that you rudely commented on a FB post when someone recommended my business for eggs. That person bought BBS ams from me. Yep. 2 dozen. That is all I have available to sell right now... look at my signature line. I have never tried to hide anything or misrepresent in any way. I would like to think most people on here know that. I do have until the end of Spring to complete my swaps, then I will assess what is left and act accordingly. If you kept up with the swap, you would see many many posts that I have made regarding swaps. As I have always said if anyone has any questions, or feels they have been forgotten PM me, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. And it may be up to a week or so. I am only one person with a real life job and a real life farm. I am not a negative person, and I know I am filling my swaps, as others do too as they are receiving them. After much thought about all of this stuff this morning, I refuse to let YOUR NEGATIVITY bring me down. I do know that once my swaps are filled, I will only be swapping as an occasional side swap. As in trying to help others get breeds they would not normally have had, and extending out these swaps in generosity has only backfired in my case. I have received sick birds, rotten eggs, mixed breeds... but I just said...well that's the way it goes. You win some, you lose some. But now, in retrospect, I feel that I have definitely lost. My husband says I am generous to a fault, and there is that saying that no good deed goes unpunished. I can say that I have made a few good friends from being on this swap, and for that I thank BYC.
On more positive news I want to say I have had the best shipped egg hatch ever on Wallis easter egg shipping method.

I want to talk about how awesome it is on the great egg shipping experiment thread. Does anyone have a picture I can ninja?
On more positive news I want to say I have had the best shipped egg hatch ever on Wallis easter egg shipping method.

I want to talk about how awesome it is on the great egg shipping experiment thread. Does anyone have a picture I can ninja?

That's great news! I remember there was a picture about a gazillion pages back, but I didn't grab a copy.
Good morning everyone!!! It's been a couple of weeks since I've been on and I'm glad to be back.

CPL, good to see you again. Hope you are doing better and can get things caught up soon. I know when my wife was going through chemo just a couple of years ago, not to mention her 5 different surgeries for cancer, it was all I could do to take care of her, the kids, the house, work, the animals, etc. I didn't have much, if any, time left for myself let alone anybody else. Taking care of someone else is very commendable of you, especially if you have your own health issues, too. Keep up the good work!

Soapbox time!! Can we get back to doing what we do best...shootin the bull and swapping some eggs? No need for personal issues in a public forum, especially ones that don't advance the reason we are all here. Hey mods, would it be ok to ask that, whatever the issue is here, it is moved to a PM with you and the individuals until a resolution can be reached rather than spewing insults and personal attacks at each other in public?

Ok, that's my 2 cents worth. Onward with the stalking and swapping. And enabling.

I have to agree completely with scoutmedic. First of all, let me be quite clear. This is a swap thread and business transactions have no place here. you have an issue with a business transaction then take it to a PM. Posting pictures is only trying to start something. It's not wanted here, so move it along. If you have an issue with a swap, once again take it to a PM. Airing out your dirty laundry here is not going to help anything. Actually it just may hurt your cause. We are all adults here or at least I would like to think we are. Please act like one. This thread was meant for chatting and having a good time. Not bickering and throwing accusations back and forth.

For anyone I owe swaps to, by all means PM me. I'll answer or you can check out my swap page, it's updated weekly. The swaps I'm working on are in bold lettering. Once a swap is shipped, it is deleted and the next one is highlighted. I did this mainly to keep myself in order. Oh and apparently my two black orp hens have been toying with me. They are both broody now. I'm hoping the chocolate is finally broke but now I have to break the other two. Frankly, that's life with chickens. If I owe you orp swaps, sorry. I can't dictate what those little girls do!!!

Now, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!! When you get a chance, Thank a military member or veteran for their service and enjoy this thread the way it was meant to be. I'm off again to finally get these chicks out of my house!!!!
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