Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you--Goliath...

He refused to stand still, so you can't quite tell just how beautiful he is. He's only about 6-7 months old, so he still has plenty of growing out to do.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you--Goliath...

He refused to stand still, so you can't quite tell just how beautiful he is. He's only about 6-7 months old, so he still has plenty of growing out to do.

Oh my, he's handsome!!!! Congratulations!
I have updated my swap page. Please check and see that I have everyone down for the swaps you are owed. It might be kind of confusing, as I have them separated by each thread. If for some reason I missed you, please send me a PM and I will correct it.
hey juststruttin

Im getting to them dont worry i been real busy with the phone and camra,I had to go ship cochin chicks dismorning so i just got back home...
Thanks, everyone! I think he is incredible! I can't wait to see him come spring once he has had a few more months to fill out. If this is how he looks now, I can't wait until then!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you--Goliath...

He refused to stand still, so you can't quite tell just how beautiful he is. He's only about 6-7 months old, so he still has plenty of growing out to do.


He's beautifu TD, and you ain't gonna believe this, lol. I have a white Orp roo named Goliath, lol!!! That's so funny!!!!!!
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