Hatching Eggs With A Hen

I read to move her and the eggs at night? Is that the best time? I have a separate coop for just her that has an attached run so once I find the right broody hen I'm all set up for her
If you are going to move them, then yes - at night is the best time, with as little light and commotion as possible. Sometimes it works to move them, sometimes it doesn't. I've had it go both ways. Most of the moves have been successful, but I did have one hatchery BO that was sitting steady for about a week when I finally discovered her and her nest. I moved them at night, and in the morning went to the shed I'd put her in to find that she'd totally flipped out. She was off the nest, eggs were broken, and there was no getting her back to the nest. She never went broody again.

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