hatching in egg carton?????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Delaware County
I have read of others hatching in an egg carton rather than lying on wire bator floor.... chook owners get kind of heated on the topic. Just wondering if any of you hatch ducks that way?

Trim the top of the carton down a bit?
Cut holes in the bottom for heat/ventilation?
Cardboard rather than foam?

Thanks for the info.
i asked the same question and everyone says that it is the way to go. but yes cut the tops off and a few holes for vents.
I'll be doing my first hatch at the end of this month with Chicken eggs, and I plan to try the Egg carton Method, I hear it's an easier clean up, and it just seems like it would be easier for the chick, considering I'm using and auto turner, so they are already in this position. Also I cracked and egg, and had to bandage it with wax, so I think the egg carton would work better with that egg.

Good luck!

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