Hatching Party! Wanna Join?! Set 8/7, Hatching 8/27!!

Hi! Can I join this hatching party?
I set some eggs (duck and chicken) the 7th.
Good luck everybody!

I put 21 mixed bantam and god knows what from my local farm. Think hrs playing a joke and I'll get ducks. Lol
All set on sun 7th. New incubator , starting over again. No chickens at the moment.
Welcome everyone!

This is my first time with any eggs in a bator. Granted, I'm planning to give them back to mama hen when I see what is viable or not. I bought a little giant still air since it is what TSC stocks and I could get that same day. And it was cheap. I spent yesterday afternoon reading about LG bators and it was horror story after horror story.

I was worried for the eggs when I went to bed last night, but the temp seems to be holding. It's at 100 on top of the eggs. I think I read somewhere it should be 101 on top of the eggs, but I hope this is okay. I certainly don't want to mess with the dial and get a big spike!

Lacey is still happily sitting on the other dozen eggs. I can't wait to give these back to her. It's so much less stress. How is everyone else doing so far?
I'm in! I set 3 on 8/7, RIR x Golden Buff. We have a small classroom incubator, our first batch did not go well...
Hoping for better luck this time!
Well I only put mine in on the 8th and already lost 20 eggs....I ordered 20 from MPC again and this time they didn't have the eggs to fill the order said I could wait 2 weeks or substitute. I thought they would have been here yesterday but I guess not so I asked them to cancel the order...Still have 29 in the bator and about 7-8 more should be here today.
The humidity in my LG still air has been staying pretty steady at 55%. Is that too high? I live in GA and it's very, very humid here. I"m not sure I can get it lower.
I'd like to join! I set 12 Lavender Orpington (shipped) eggs on the 5th. This is my 3rd try, the first two hatches were okay...4 hatched out of each and then both times one died so I have 6. I have modified my incubator since then by installing a computer fan and I am going to try more of a dry hatch this time. Wishing good luck to everyone :)
Tiss I would think 100 would be fine on top mine is 99.5-99.7 on top and the last batch did well.
I have more in this time I hope all goes well for everyone.
Me too! Me too! Set 10 polish frizzles and 6 silkie mixes on 8/7/11. I might candle tonite, mostly because I'm so impatient. Got 4 day old chicks in brooder now (3 dominique and 1 blue laced wyandotte). Here's to a happy, healthy, problem free hatch! Good luck y'all!

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