Hatching Party! Wanna Join?! Set 8/7, Hatching 8/27!!

You will get diffrent answers for this. My last hatch I had a couple do this so I quickly reached in and help break some shell and they did fine. If I get a couple in this batch that are not out after 10 - 12hrs I will help again. This is just how I do it I am sure you will get other opinions.

yes I do the same thing I only wait for 10hrs before helping if they are not out or pip has not progressed...even as newbie it was easy if you are very careful...
It's a lovely thing hatching them out in your hand, just watch for blood.
My incubator not keeping the humidity, have to keep topping it up.
All twelve were active, on day 19 now and getting paranoid. Want to see movement.
OK so I ran to Walmart then picked up my son to pass some time. I came back and still no progress. So I opened egg where it had started to pip. When I got it opened enough to see it, it started to wiggle it had the inner lining stuck to it's 1 eye and part of it's head so it couldn't turn or finish pipping. So I got a wet q-tip and moistened the lining and helped pull lining back to get it's head out. Then placed it back inside incubator to push it's self out of egg, but I should've just taken it completly out because it ended up redrying onto it's bottom half so I had to do the whole process over again to get it out. But seems fine now, I'll keep watch on it. And for the last egg that still had no pip I candled it to find it was no longer moving and some of the veining had disappeared. So I opened top and no movement. I take it out and find that it has a very crooked beak and only 1 eye. Kind of freaky to see. So my hatch rate for my bantam cochins is 3 out of 4!!
OK...lockdown tonight. Except I just got home from work and looked in on the bator and I saw a pip! The eggs are still in the turner. I took the eggs out of the turner and in total there are 3 pips. Guess I had a couple hot days in the bator. My brooder isn't even ready. Guess my evening is planned for me tonight. Looking for Polish, some with frizzle, and silkies.
Here's where I stand: 8 purebred cochin from my blue bantam hen and buff bantam roo (very hopeful on these as they are a part of my breeding project)

9 Game? These eggs were bought at auction and seem slightly off color to be game eggs to me...but alas, a surprise it will be!

Candled just prior to setting up the "lockdown" bator and have at least 2 "game" eggs internally pipped!


Edit to add: the reason I ended up with one more cochin egg than in the beginning of this thing is because my hen layed an egg a day later 08/08 and I decided to put it in too... hence the 8
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Congrats on the chicks, I candled before lockdown and have 18 in the bator I think. None have started yet though I can't wait till they start though it is a blast and the kids love it.
OK so here are the babies. The one I helped seems to want to sit alot rather than walking but I don't see anything wrong with it's feet or legs. I will try giving some chick electrolites and see if that helps. But here they are the one I helped is sitting of coarse. LOL

Good Luck again to everyone, without these forums I wouldn't have saved the 3rd chick!! Congrats to all of you!


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