Hatching Party! Wanna Join?! Set 8/7, Hatching 8/27!!

Oh my, what an evening!

I went out to check on Lacey and noticed that she has another egg chirping (no pip yet that I could see). I stepped back and in the nesting box below her was a 4 ft rat snake eating a golf ball!!!!

Praise God that I saw it and that it was eating a stinking golf ball and not one of my chicks or eggs. I lost three chicks to a snake last hatch and would hate to lose these too!

I trapped the snake with a shovel while DH pulled him out of the box. He held him down for me so I could cut his evil chick-eating head off. Then DH cut the golf ball out too!

I still have the heeby-jeebies.
Oh No Tiss, Not another snake.
I hate snakes. I would freak out and run!! At least you got him. Can't wait to see your little fuzzy butts!!
And my little cochin that would rather sit than walk is up and about and looks like it's just fine.
Musta just been wore out.

Pics Everyone!! I love babies!!
Somebody say pictures?

Just had two heritage buff orpingtons hatch out at almost the same time.

Again, the webcam is still going - http://tinyurl.com/42kfjmh

little Sparkles was on top of one of them as she was trying to lurch out of the shell. They're so much bigger than she is - maybe she figures this will be her last shot at holding them down?

I'm so glad I went to the trouble of putting in that side window!

Now: Do I need to worry about this?

I think it's membrane and a vein that hasn't broken away yet. There's a little blood seepage on the paper towel, but very very little. My inclination is that as it dries up, it will fall off, and we're okay. Right/wrong?
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I bought three hatchery quality silver-laced wyandottes at point of lay, and they had been with a couple of roosters - a white leghorn and another ... white ... rooster, that I saw. The black chick is the second egg laid, four days after the hens got back here. I have another from the same hen which has pipped.

The BOs came from my neighbor down the road. When I decided to incubate these two 'dotte mutts, I scooted down there and begged for a dozen of their eggs to put with them, mostly for company and incubating practice.

The plan is to practice on this batch and to then buy some good quality SLW eggs from a breeder on here. These babies will go in my egg run.

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