Hatching Peafowl eggs with Chicken Eggs

I think carriers are sort of like a needle in a haystack. I know there are possible carriers but it could be a pheasant, chicken, turkey or another peafowl. Blackhead comes from a parasite in an earth worm and could be anywhere. I do take precautions for blackhead. Juveniles are much more prone to get it if they are put on the ground young. I try not to put any birds on the ground till after they are at least 6 months. I keep metranizadole on hand all the time. I have had very few cases over the years. In fact chickens hatch most all my peacocks and have for the last 30 years.
So, the blackhead you are talking about comes from earthworms?
So if you get chicks, poults and peachicks at the same time, that have never been outside, it is OK to raise them together?
Why can't peachicks be on dirt before 6 months?
If your chicken flock hasn't had blackhead, is it OK to put chickens, turkeys and peafowl together?
Do all earthworms have this? It's pretty rainy here and my chickens have sufficient access to earthworms!!!!
Is this mainly an issue if your chicks (of whichever species) come from a backyard breeder as opposed to a large hatchery?

Thanks for any info on this!
They say turkeys can get blackhead from chickens as well. We have our bronze turkeys with the chickens since they were poults and on dirt after about 4 weeks. They have not caught anything that I know of. We have plenty of worms here and also we do red worm vermicomposting under the rabbit hutches (for worm compost for our gardens etc). One of the chickens and turkeys favorite things is to raid the worm beds if someone leaves the boards off the openings lol. Plus the freerangers (chickens and turkeys, ducks, and sometimes the guineas) can get into the regular compost bins which we have several around the property. I know there are lots of earthworms in the regular compost bins as well in my flower beds where they like to dig and lay under the plants during the summer. So far no blackhead. I don't know if they are just resistant to it or just isn't present.
I was just thinking of him the very moment i clicked on the peafowl section how strange, this is not the first time i have thought of him and his opost popped up.

Miss you Bert!
Good day
I came across this site and saw that you have peafowl and red golden pheasants; when do you expect to have eggs or chicks

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