Hatching Rouen Duck Eggs

Thanks! I am super excited, I swear I go in there every 30 minutes to check on them LOL. All 7 of the eggs are looking like that, lots of shadowing and pushing into it, but so far I haven't seen the beak really in it to say for sure they have internally pipped. I put them in on 11/15, originally I was counting that as Day 1, which would make today Day 24. But then I read that you actually count Day 1 as the next day, so Day 23. They're still just a kicking and moving around. I could've shown it a lot better but I didn't want to pick the egg up and disturb him (or her) lol. Have I mentioned that I am SO EXCITED lol. It's hard to not sit there and just watch them constantly lol.
I know the feeling. It’s very exciting :)
Picking them up can disorient them do your doing it the right way by candling but leaving them exactly where they are
The shadowing along the air cell can be a day or two before they break into it
But it’s perfectly fine to candle a few times a day to look for the internal pip. The higher humidity matters once external happens so it’s still safe
Many don’t touch their eggs and are set against it. I’m the opposite and find the more I know the better my hatch rates got.
Keep is updated
I’m so excited for you
I know the feeling. It’s very exciting :)
Picking them up can disorient them do your doing it the right way by candling but leaving them exactly where they are
The shadowing along the air cell can be a day or two before they break into it
But it’s perfectly fine to candle a few times a day to look for the internal pip. The higher humidity matters once external happens so it’s still safe
Many don’t touch their eggs and are set against it. I’m the opposite and find the more I know the better my hatch rates got.
Keep is updated
I’m so excited for you

I seriously can't thank you enough for helping to guide me through this! It has made me feel much better and more confident with this second batch. I only wish the first batch would have been successful but your knowledge and help has me confident that these guys will all make it through hatching! I only wish I would have posted here sooner!! Thank you again! I will keep updating, don't worry LOL!
I seriously can't thank you enough for helping to guide me through this! It has made me feel much better and more confident with this second batch. I only wish the first batch would have been successful but your knowledge and help has me confident that these guys will all make it through hatching! I only wish I would have posted here sooner!! Thank you again! I will keep updating, don't worry LOL!
I’m so glad I can help
I had a great mentor after I lost my first baby having fast hands that caused the little one to hatch to early not absorbed enough
She isn’t on here as much anymore but @WVduckchick gave me so much knowledge and confidence and guided me through assists with good results.
@Miss Lydia also kept me very calm as well as I was so nervous
The little family on Byc site makes things so much better :)
I knew if I told someone that the eggs were moving, they'd look at me like i was crazy LOL. That's why I put that little camera over them so I could catch it on camera for proof...Or maybe I am crazy 😂
It’s the coolest thing to watch
Have shy got the beak into the air fell yet ?
He may actually be in the air cell
The shadowing is pretty high up
But if not in he is very close
@Miss Lydia it is by far the coolest thing i've gotten to witness, possibly ever lol

@New duck mommy 2021 If they're in the air cell, is there anything I should be watching for to happen, in case I never see the beak in it? I don't want to assist too early but I don't want to lose them either lol. Maybe just watch and see what happens through tomorrow? Tomorrow will be Day 25.
I've done plenty of candling but never got to see the egg move like yours did.

I hope they all hatch without any problems
@New duck mommy 2021 is such a great help.
@Miss Lydia Thank you so much, I don't think I would have made it this far without @New duck mommy 2021 help! She's rocking at this duck life thing LOL
if I’m really unsure I will carefully pick the egg up
And sure ti keep it in the position you was laying and that way you can candle lower in the air cell and it may show the beak
Because baby has been rocking the egg you want to make sure you dont drop it
Also put it to your ear and listen for a scratching sound
That’s baby rubbing at the shell
Sometimes you also hear them chirp in the air cell
I’m thinking he is in it by the shadowing though
I wait 24 hours after seeing them in then make a tiny hole size of a pin or the end of a sharpened pencil nothing to big
@New duck mommy 2021 Thanks so much! I will carefully pick them up and see if i can get a better view and/or hear them and make sure i lay them back down the way I picked them up! I'll check for that before bed shortly and then again in the morning and see if we have made any progress! I'm so excited!
@Miss Lydia @New duck mommy 2021 Sorry, we had to do Christmas today with some family. I did check them last night around midnight before I went to bed, and it looked about the same as the video I posted earlier. However, this morning around 9am I went to check on them, and THEY INTERNALLY PIPPED!!! I could definitely see the beak in the air cell and saw them pecking at the shell. So far, and I just checked them again (10 hours later) and they're all definitely pipped. None have externally pipped. So sometime between midnight last night and 9am they internally pipped.. How long do I keep waiting for the external before I need to intervene so they don't run out of air?? This video I posted below is from this morning

@Miss Lydia @New duck mommy 2021 Sorry, we had to do Christmas today with some family. I did check them last night around midnight before I went to bed, and it looked about the same as the video I posted earlier. However, this morning around 9am I went to check on them, and THEY INTERNALLY PIPPED!!! I could definitely see the beak in the air cell and saw them pecking at the shell. So far, and I just checked them again (10 hours later) and they're all definitely pipped. None have externally pipped. So sometime between midnight last night and 9am they internally pipped.. How long do I keep waiting for the external before I need to intervene so they don't run out of air?? This video I posted below is from this morning

Yay 😃
If it was my eggs and I wasn’t sure exactly when if I was going to be up late tonight I would put a tiny pin hole above where you see the beak right around your flashlight
I have had many little ones still external pip themselves below my little pin hole
It gives me a piece of mind and it usually doesn’t stop them from hatching themselves
But you don’t want to do it yo early either that’s why I say if your going to be up late
I will let you pick as they will probably be just fine and you will wake up to external pips and another 24-48 hours you will have babies
The beak is exactly where you want it to be

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