Hatching store bought quail eggs

I am on day 18 five more hours until day 19 starts and none have started hatching yet is this bad by the way the other day
I saw one egg moving in the inside and it looked like a beak was in the air sack it was small and rectangular so I'm guessing that means I piped internally but now it been 15 hours later and no chirping and not external peep but I know it alive what should I do and what does this mean
It may just be sitting and waiting for more quail to be ready. They like to hatch in groups as a mother quail don't sit around for days on end waiting for the slow ones to catch up like a chicken does. Their babies need feeding quite quickly after hatch as their yolk doesn't sustain them for long. So I'd leave it be for now. :fl
The chicks are doing well I cut into th e air sell and the chicks where breathing air in the air sack once the veins leave the membrane I will help them out by the way how long does it take for baby quail to soak up the last of the yolk and I should not help them out until the veins go away that's when it will be safe right
The chicks are doing well I cut into th e air sell and the chicks where breathing air in the air sack once the veins leave the membrane I will help them out by the way how long does it take for baby quail to soak up the last of the yolk and I should not help them out until the veins go away that's when it will be safe right

Once they externally pip it could take 24 hours for them to be ready to hatch and rotating as they unzip helps them detach from the shell. So I'd leave them to do as much as possible themselves before helping.
Help one of my eggs hatched today but I am worried about it getting lonely I need to know on of my eggs is alive but has not even internally pipped and it day 20 I am worried I want it to hatch but don't know what to do and I don't want the other chick to get lonely someone help should I internally pip for the other chick so it can start the hatching process also
If the chicks aren't ready to hatch it will most likely kill them to rush the process. It is very difficult to wait and see but it really is the best course. A little mirror and a soft toy or cloth put under the heatlamp will give your lone chick some company and something to cuddle with.
Help one of my eggs hatched today but I am worried about it getting lonely I need to know on of my eggs is alive but has not even internally pipped and it day 20 I am worried I want it to hatch but don't know what to do and I don't want the other chick to get lonely someone help should I internally pip for the other chick so it can start the hatching process also

Keep the chick nice and warm, give him a stuffed animal to snuggle by. Give him food and water in VERY shallow dishes so he doesn't drown. Get him used to your voice, so that if he starts calling you can reply and he won't feel lonely.
Make sure you feed a high protein diet, and if you only have chick crumbles add a little mashed up boiled egg. Some pictures of the little baby would be great, they are just soooo cute!

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