Hatching under a broody hen info! Help!

we had 3 eggs hatch and all 3 the hen had pushed the egg out from under her for that last few minutes of hatching it seemed. We are leaving them in the coop with the hen. The hen is a silkie bantam and has 2 silkie chicks and one orpington chick with it as well. So far so good. However I think my one silkie who 2 over 2 days to hatch may be a little crippled, so i will watch that play out. I may have to take it to someone to have them "take care of it"
we had 3 eggs hatch and all 3 the hen had pushed the egg out from under her for that last few minutes of hatching it seemed. We are leaving them in the coop with the hen. The hen is a silkie bantam and has 2 silkie chicks and one orpington chick with it as well. So far so good. However I think my one silkie who 2 over 2 days to hatch may be a little crippled, so i will watch that play out. I may have to take it to someone to have them "take care of it"
That is so cute. I was hoping I'd get to watch the chick hatching! So sorry about your crippled chick:/

*UPDATE* Day 14!!! Still alive and moving around! 1 more week to go!
*UPDATE* Today is day 19!! Egg Boo is still moving and alive! :) I'm counting on a late hatch because it's gotten cold a couple times..
Q - Sometimes one of my hens will kick my broody hen off the nest...Broody hen will go to the next nest over. When bully hen is leaves the eggs broody hen doesn't go back to her eggs. The eggs have gotten cold at most 4-5 times. Could this result in deformations or early death or something?
*UPDATE* Today is day 20!!! I have been candling it almost everyday when my broody is taking her 10 minute break. It looks like the chick is starting to break through the air cell!!!!!!! I know it hasn't yet because I can't hear any cheeping. :)
Have one dozen fertile eggs. ( bought ) & would like to move my broody Araucana hen to a dog kennel in separate (but connected by wall of wire) little run of her own for her & chicks. Is it best to move her at night?. And set the eggs then?
I know it's been a long time since someone has posted, but here goes....What are the chicks supposed to eat once they hatch? The layer feed or am I supposed to set chick feed down for it? What if the hens eat the chick feed?
My Barred Rock went broody and I just happen to have Cream Legbar eggs cookin in the bator, so I thought I'd be nice and slip one under her. Hen and egg are in general population in the hen house. The problem is I have no idea how to handle this! Lol! I've been incubating eggs continuously for a year, I've never had a hen do it.
Thanks for any help!

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