Hatching with 2 broodies

I have 4 adult roosters and every once in awhile one will have a couple of spots on their comb like maybe they fought, but I've never seen it happen, and we've had no actual injuries...they all know the big orange rooster is the boss... and there's no trouble. Every once in awhile the big roo will charge after one of the others for messing with "his" ladies... but nothing serious. I'm not sure what makes some fight and some not. But some do and some dont. Are your chickens penned? Because penned chickens are more likely to get into full on fights
They are kept in separate coops with runs. They have a lot of space to get away from each other but that doesnt help. I tried to let them free range together but they fight even then. They also fence fight.
I have 4 adult roosters and every once in awhile one will have a couple of spots on their comb like maybe they fought, but I've never seen it happen, and we've had no actual injuries...they all know the big orange rooster is the boss... and there's no trouble. Every once in awhile the big roo will charge after one of the others for messing with "his" ladies... but nothing serious. I'm not sure what makes some fight and some not. But some do and some dont. Are your chickens penned? Because penned chickens are more likely to get into full on fights

They are kept in separate coops with runs. They have a lot of space to get away from each other but that doesnt help. I tried to let them free range together but they fight even then. They also fence fight.

I have no idea then. All our roosters did sort of grow up together. They are all weeks apart in age except for the youngest. But they know who is boss and nobody pushes it. If they did there is sure to be a fight...but so far so good.
I have no idea then. All our roosters did sort of grow up together. They are all weeks apart in age except for the youngest. But they know who is boss and nobody pushes it. If they did there is sure to be a fight...but so far so good.
I think that is the problem, none of them will back down so the leader cannot be established. Hum, what to do? Maybe rehome some roos.
Thanks for your help...

My 2ed broody and her babies! Proud and 4 strong! Think 1 rooster in this group and thats the really white one next to mama! 3 of them have the same feathing and 1 is different. 3 are Ancona/BCM and the 1 is Speckled Sussex/BCM. Really nice chicks! I have about 5 of the total. the other one is with my 1st mama and she is Ancona/BCM.
I have no idea then. All our roosters did sort of grow up together. They are all weeks apart in age except for the youngest. But they know who is boss and nobody pushes it. If they did there is sure to be a fight...but so far so good.

I think that is the problem, none of them will back down so the leader cannot be established. Hum, what to do? Maybe rehome some roos.
Thanks for your help...
sounds that way. I'm glad all mine get along because I love roosters. Then again if they didn't maybe I wouldn't keep so many... oh well either way I have too many roosters, but I'm just going to go with it
I love mixed chicks and trying to figure out who is who. It's amazing how easy it is to tell sometimes which rooster fathered which chicks.
OMGoodness!!!!! Today is day 18 so I went to move mama and eggs to the hatching pen. She would have been in there the whole 21 days but she is a top girl and no one messes with her nest so I let her stay in the coop...anyway I grabbed an egg and it cheeped at me! it was fully pipped!!! I couldn't hep myself, I peaked at another and same thing! I will have chicks hatch tonight!!!!! Tomorrow I will move them all.

These are my BBS babies please please please let there be a pullet in there and pretty please please please let her be splash or blue.
@16 paws I have heard that putting plywood between the pens at ground level will stop fence fighting since the can't see on another. a bit of a pain but I am planning to do it. I only have the one right now but I will have 3 mature ones by fall and I will do it if I need to.
OMGoodness!!!!! Today is day 18 so I went to move mama and eggs to the hatching pen. She would have been in there the whole 21 days but she is a top girl and no one messes with her nest so I let her stay in the coop...anyway I grabbed an egg and it cheeped at me! it was fully pipped!!! I couldn't hep myself, I peaked at another and same thing! I will have chicks hatch tonight!!!!! Tomorrow I will move them all.

These are my BBS babies please please please let there be a pullet in there and pretty please please please let her be splash or blue.

2 chicks this morning! one ilooks black with gold on its head???It isn't fluffed yet the other one is and it is BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both are darling I also have an additional pip. I very carefully moved everyone into the maternity box this morning and the fourth egg moved in my hand.!

I have a busy day today which is probably good or else...in spit of telling myself I shouldn't I would be out there ALL DAY
. expect photos!

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