Hatching with 2 broodies

you always write such inclusive warm and funny posts. I enjoy reading them

So IC what is your current broody count?

Mine is

4 with babies...4 weeks, 11 days, 6 days and 2 days
2 on golfballs one waiting for chicks in an incubator and 1 who will get eggs in a few days.

Aww, thanks!

My current broody count:
1. Ombretta, who does not want to give up the mom role even though the "chicks" are far too big to even be called that and are getting to be bigger than her... yet still sleeping under her! 11 weeks old!

2. Bonnie and the 13 troublemakers/balcony jumpers/heart attack factors: they are exactly one month old today.

3. Rosita on Pallina's eggs - I had thought/said July 2 hatch date, but then I remembered that Pallina is a banty, so that probably means a day earlier - tomorrow!!!!

4. Pallina on booted bantam eggs... day 2.

5. Chiocciola on Ameraucana eggs... day 2.

...plus the bator with the rest of Ameraucana/Araucana/booted bantam eggs also day 2.... I could use another broody if over 60% of them hatch! Teila, can I borrow Cilla if she does go broody?

IC, welcome back .. re: “Hmm, so if Cilla does go straight to broody, are you going to give her eggs? “ see above! No, no, no … eggs!


You know, you are so adamant, someone might even think that the strong reaction is a sign of denial... not me of course... but you know, someone might.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding... but seriously, can I borrow Cilla? I need another broody or two.

@ItalyChickie I went out and picked up my little black girl. Her comb area is totally flat but it is light so it stands out. That picture makes it look like it is WAY more than it is whew....

Yeah I actually almost deleted my comment yesterday when I saw a bigger picture, because on closer view, the color is too dull and I figured it was just the light/angle. Sorry to needlessly worry you!

How did you give the broody the chicks? At night? How long had they been sitting for, ive never tried this and wanted to but not sure whats best.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also gave Bonnie 13 bator chicks this year, and she accepted them with no problems. Last year, Cenere had hatched two, and I added two more 5 days later.

The recommendation is generally to do it at night and slip them under her... I followed that last year (all went well), but not this year. - the bator chicks had all hatched in the afternoon/evening, and were getting restless the next morning, and I didn't feel like waiting... so I did a test with a couple of them first. Bonnie had been sitting for the full 21 days, only hers did not develop, so I swapped a couple of eggs for chicks, waited a bit, saw her chatting to them, and proceeded to bring the rest in twos and threes. All went splendidly except for the initial overwhelm at about 11 when she didn't seem to be able to fit them under, but a bit of shuffling and waiting more fixed that too. A month later, they're a big happy family.

I may have spoke too soon. We lost one chick tonight. No clue on who the guilty one is. MJ had the remaining 8 under her in the coop at bedtime. I really wish day one would have gone better. I expected loss, but ugh, I was hoping it wouldn't be from one of my own. Got some thinking to do tonight, that is for sure.

Oh no, I am so sorry!

what??? Wendy Wyandotte heard you wanted another broody hatch a long!!!
she is sitting pretty in the most heavily trafficked nest box and ROARS at me when I stick my hand in.
oh boy.....

Do you have a computer in the coop? They seem to be following this thread!

Yay for hatch-alongs!!!!!!

it would be really awesome if I could give her those 4 eggs due in a little over a week.. cut down on the brooding time...

I did this last year, with Cenere, because of an eggcident with the original ones she was sitting on - I was thinking none might hatch because of a broken one, and added some more 5 days after the original ones... what actually happened was, two of them did hatch and she got up... then we had to invent a very improvised bator box (didn't have an incubator at the time) which was basically a heat lamp in a box plus a bowl of water... three more hatched, on two different days, and I added them at night (two different nights, that is). She accepted them all with no problems, even though the first hatched were a week old by this time.

It always depends on chickenalities, but I'd say worth a try - though a back-up plan is a good idea.

I have no other news to tell, except for the fact that I think I heard peeping from Rosita's eggs... no pips yet, so I could be hallucinating... or they could be internally pipped and that's why I hear them... anyway, another day or at most two to go!

Oh, and have I shown you how pretty the pretty boy from the first hatch is becoming? I haven't, have I? Here he is:

The orange girl is a cutie too, I'm thinking both of them are keepers:

And one for Cenere fans, since it has been a while... a kiss from one of her best pals.

Edited to add another shot of the above scene, as it is a much funnier view!

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I was NOT hallucinating!!!! Just saw a pip in the foremost egg as Rosita shifted position to growl at me! I think that means fluffy butts might even be here today!
IC, yay! Babies soon! Your pretty boy sure is pretty. I think the orange girl is a keeper, too. I like different so I am able to tell them all apart (or, really, so my husband can tell them all apart). The Cenere pic is so funny. Looks like me when one of my sons is sniffling and about to sneeze in my face!!!

Thanks everyone for the thoughts. I knew it could happen, but I guess I was hoping for the best. This really needs to work out. I feel confident that all the pullets can move into the big coop without problems (well. beyond the normal watch yourself pecking order stuff). These teenage boys have got to go, though. I updated their listing again. If they go, I move the girls to the big coop, and MJ and babies can move to the school house. Fingers crossed the phone rings today.
Thanks MM! I know exactly what you mean about your husband being able to tell them apart - mine also has that problem with similar looking ones like the 4 red stars. (He calls them all "Roscia" = "red-haired" in italian even though they have names.) Now I have to wonder whether that particular "Roscia" was about to sneeze in Cenere's face!!!

I really hope the phone rings soon so your housing/logistics problems can be solved!
Is there any temporary solution in the meantime? I have no suggestions, just thinking out loud...

And in case you were wondering, yes, I'm totally stalking the thread today. Mondays are fairly relaxed work-wise, so it's been between the thread and Rosita, who will NOT let me see the chick(s)!!! I know for sure one is out, saw the egg shell which probably got shuffled to rearrange other eggs, and heard peeping... have not seen her/him yet, and it's driving me crazy! Will keep you posted. Doing my best to keep away for the moment, as I'm assuming other eggs are in the process of hatching. This is HARD!
Thanks MM! I know exactly what you mean about your husband being able to tell them apart - mine also has that problem with similar looking ones like the 4 red stars. (He calls them all "Roscia" = "red-haired" in italian even though they have names.) Now I have to wonder whether that particular "Roscia" was about to sneeze in Cenere's face!!!

I really hope the phone rings soon so your housing/logistics problems can be solved!
Is there any temporary solution in the meantime? I have no suggestions, just thinking out loud...

And in case you were wondering, yes, I'm totally stalking the thread today. Mondays are fairly relaxed work-wise, so it's been between the thread and Rosita, who will NOT let me see the chick(s)!!! I know for sure one is out, saw the egg shell which probably got shuffled to rearrange other eggs, and heard peeping... have not seen her/him yet, and it's driving me crazy! Will keep you posted. Doing my best to keep away for the moment, as I'm assuming other eggs are in the process of hatching. This is HARD!
Ah a little thread stalking never hurt anyone… I need to check this today for a break now and then. Work load is heavy this week with Independence day on Friday.

I wish we had a temporary solution… the biggest problem is that we will be on vacation and have others looking after the house and animals. I need to make it as stress free as possible for them. Basically let out, feed, water, pull bedding away from the edges of the coop, lock up. These extra cockerels really put a cramp in my plans. Never thought it would be so hard to find a new place for them. We could, feasibly, toss up a temporary shelter for them… but it would not be predator proof at all. Ahh… come on people, call me, my loss is your gain!! I've paid to feed these monsters for almost ten weeks now.
I know what you mean, trying to get organized so we can go on vacation as well, which is proving to be really difficult with all those upcoming hatches... sigh. I'm sure it will all get resolved, somehow. Just probably not today and we need to be patient a bit longer. I wonder if people aren't calling you because of the Independence day weekend as well? Might be waiting until after? Hope so, anyway!

I've got news: I kinda sorta saw a glimpse of a chick for about a millisecond, then Rosita pushed it back under. It looked chipmunky brown, that's about all I can say. Oh, and there is another egg shell, so at least two are out!
I know what you mean, trying to get organized so we can go on vacation as well, which is proving to be really difficult with all those upcoming hatches... sigh. I'm sure it will all get resolved, somehow. Just probably not today and we need to be patient a bit longer. I wonder if people aren't calling you because of the Independence day weekend as well? Might be waiting until after? Hope so, anyway!

I've got news: I kinda sorta saw a glimpse of a chick for about a millisecond, then Rosita pushed it back under. It looked chipmunky brown, that's about all I can say. Oh, and there is another egg shell, so at least two are out!
Hubby just called. He said he is making an executive decision that Momma and babies get the school house and the rest of them go to the big coop and deal with it. He said they are big enough they can get out of the way of the adults, the babies can not. I think he likes those little ones and is taking that loss last night a bit hard… he helped out. What I don't think he understands is that we will be housing 10 young roosters with one adult rooster and 9 mature hens… and the young ones will become mature enough very soon. I just don't see that ending well. Poor hens. Poor pullets. Anyone else been in this situation that agrees?

Edited to add… Congrats! Can't wait for pics!
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Hmmm I haven't been in that exact situation, but if you think my experience with a much smaller number of cockerels might help... I had bought a few chicks last year, of which only 3 survived - one pullet, two cockerels. We moved them to the main coop when they were about 14 weeks. There was one adult roo, and I think about 7 or 8 grown hens at the time. The cockerels quickly caught on to who was boss and pretended to not be the slightest bit interested in the hens when the roo was around. They did try some clumsy moves when he wasn't, but the hens were also having none of it, so they learned their place rather quickly. So in that case, the poor hens sentiment did not apply - but yes, poor pullet, since she was one of their group and the only easily approachable female!

That said, there are chickenalities to take into consideration... mine were mellow cockerels (the current main roo, silkie, and a Brahma one who was the biggest coward, directly proportional to his enormous size). Somehow I don't think the leghorns know the meaning of mellow... so yeah, tough situation...

I have also read somewhere that roos get along perfectly well if they are separated from hens (nobody to fight over), so my temporary solution thinking was only regarding the cockerels... wonder if that's a possibility, but also not sure if it really works, as I have never tried it.

And thank you! Somehow I doubt Rosita will let me take pics any time soon. She must be telling those babies all sorts of awful things about humans. Those stubborn, mistrustful, headstrong broodies!
Hear Ye hear Ye!!! Have news it we are now up to 4 fuzzy butts!!! 2 eggs remain both momma's still taking turns sitting on them and teaching the others the ropes!!



No worries here !!! There is always someone watching every move they make :lau
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Lols at "can I borrow Cilla if she does go broody?IC … Tina is packing Cilla’s little suitcase, passport and Visa and pushing her out of the coop, while waving bye bye lol!

I love Cenere!!

Am I getting the right impression from those pictures .. Cenere does not want a kiss?

Pretty Boy and Orange look like keepers to me too

Woo hooo, more fluffy butts! You know the rules, we do not believe you until we see the piccies lol

Congratulations LM so very pleased for you and your co-broodies; adorable!

Me? I got nothing!

OK, I do have something, a squatting Dusty and a squatting Cilla .. yeebada, yeebada, that’s all folks!
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