Hatchling that didn't make it *pics* :(

Bella D

5 Years
Jun 5, 2017
Hello I am looking for some advice .I have been hatching silkie, Sizzle chicks for a couple of years now. I've always had successful hatch rates and healthy chicks. I let my Broody ladies do the work.
This little baby hatched day before yesterday and he did not look good from the very beginning. Never made a sound. I watched him come out of the egg and the mama actually took off to go outside to eat. She didn't even acknowledge Him. I noticed that his stomach looks odd I don't know if it's that he was born early and there's no feathers. Mama came back in and I checked on him two hours later no change never fluffed up at all. Then I checked about six hours after he was born he was up but his feathers still looked matted and he was dead the next morning.
This clutch of eggs has been an odd one. My hen decided to lay them during some unexpected Snow and very cold weather here in Washington State and they've been hatching at different rates we had a healthy baby last Thursday. There are still six eggs left I candled them and they are fertile. I currently have a Broody hen who wants to hatch them so I'll probably just let her hatch what she can before she decides to abandon them. The healthy chick hatched with another Broody and I gave her some Feed Store chicks last week.
It is around 40 degrees during the day and it was getting down in the 20's at night this week do you think it's too cold to be hatching chicks?
I bought silkie at the feed store and they have been doing great the Polish chicks bought I lost all four.
Thank you in advance if anybody has any ideas about what happened with this chick he just doesn't look right to me at all but I'm kind of a newbie still.
It looks like he was wounded on his side and looks like he's bleeding but he look like that from the minute he was born :( sorry for the sad pictures.


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Hello I am looking for some advice .I have been hatching silkie, Sizzle chicks for a couple of years now. I've always had successful hatch rates and healthy chicks. I let my Broody ladies do the work.
This little baby hatched day before yesterday and he did not look good from the very beginning. Never made a sound. I watched him come out of the egg and the mama actually took off to go outside to eat. She didn't even acknowledge Him. I noticed that his stomach looks odd I don't know if it's that he was born early and there's no feathers. Mama came back in and I checked on him two hours later no change never fluffed up at all. Then I checked about six hours after he was born he was up but his feathers still looked matted and he was dead the next morning.
This clutch of eggs has been an odd one. My hen decided to lay them during some unexpected Snow and very cold weather here in Washington State and they've been hatching at different rates we had a healthy baby last Thursday. There are still six eggs left I candled them and they are fertile. I currently have a Broody hen who wants to hatch them so I'll probably just let her hatch what she can before she decides to abandon them. The healthy chick hatched with another Broody and I gave her some Feed Store chicks last week.
It is around 40 degrees during the day and it was getting down in the 20's at night this week do you think it's too cold to be hatching chicks?
I bought silkie at the feed store and they have been doing great the Polish chicks bought I lost all four.
Thank you in advance if anybody has any ideas about what happened with this chick he just doesn't look right to me at all but I'm kind of a newbie still.
It looks like he was wounded on his side and looks like he's bleeding but he look like that from the minute he was born :( sorry for the sad pictures.
I'm so sorry!:hugs

Sounds odd but I can't think of what it could be. The place under his leg looks like it was just bare of feathers. Was it flesh or just skin?
It looked like just skin but it was a bare spot and really red.
I have never had one get hurt during hatching :( He was just so lethargic from the get go.
Yes they are under a broody. The polish chicks i lost died one day after I bought them, I just figured shipping in cold temps was too much for them. Then this guy was born and I was wondering it it was too cold in the coop.
Thank you for the help :)
If it was "skinned" while hatching, by the shell, that leaves a large area unprotected where germs of all kinds can get in. Our skin, no matter what species we are, is a large organ that is our first line of defense against germs. Poor little thing could have caught some disease or another that basically doomed him from the start.

If you ever see this kind of thing again, coat it with triple antibiotic ointment (the kind without pain reliever - if lidocaine or any other -caine is listed, that's a no-no), and keep it coated with the ointment. That might give it a better chance, if it hasn't already been infected by something. That's really all I have to suggest. It's just that there are so many germs, from e-coli onward, that are in our environment, and a tear in the skin is a huge invitation for them to infect us.

And the temperature would likely have nothing to do with this little one's death. A mama hen can keep little ones nice and warm, even in pretty chilly weather.
Thank you for everyone for the response. I am putting together a chick emergency kit that I probably should have had from the beginning. Hopefully if something like this happens again I will have a better idea of things I could try to help.
On a good note I picked up 12 (i really needed 12!)polish chicks at the feed store and they look way more active and healthy than the last ones I got that didn't make it. I'm being proactive and making sure they come out to eat and drink but they've been doing great.
So far none of my other eggs have hatched but my one little gray baby that's mom is a Frizzle and dad is a white crested black polish bantam.
She is the tiniest chick I've ever had hatch but I was excited to get at least one . Included a picture because she's just so cute thanks again everyone.


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A chick emergency kit is a great idea. I'm never hatching again without one, it's crazy how many things can go sideways.
Im so sorry for your loss:( :hugs
The little one and his mama look adorable tho.

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