I have 4 hens - 2 are 3.5 years and 2 are brand new layers. Before I integrated the flock, one hen (a Wyandotte) was a great layer and the other (a Delaware) not as great but definitely laying. I don’t use supplemental light in the winter, so figured they’d still have a laying career in front of them, but once I integrated the pullets in mid-April, they quit laying. Now the pullets have started to lay about a month ago, but the older gals still aren’t laying. Have they just retired? Or do I need to give ‘em a chance? I’m on a small lot so don’t have a ton of real estate to host an old age home for hens, but I’m also vegetarian and dread having to cull them now or anytime in the future. Anything I can do to jumpstart these birds again? Thanks!