have no clue if this is a female or male or its breed

still no cooc-cooo-dooing but my husband keeps teasing me telling me hes trying to get the females or listen hes crowing grrrr
This is my first attempt of having chickens and i feel so awful already i first bought 6 (1) was a rooster so i gave it to a local farm and she sold me 2 that she thought would be females of her own they were about 4 weeks younger then mine. if i give him back will she ever be ok i mean part of the group? Just afraid the others wont let her lay her eggs a few are bit mean still to them both. :(
Correction ... He was crowing this morning :( I did take him back to we're I bought him which is a huge farm he was very happy when I finally said my good bye
Does no one else see a light brahma cross? The size is a clue, I've 3 light brahma pullets, and they are almost the size of my 4 yr reds, and the brahmas are only 10 weeks old. The neck feathers are worriesome, but the tails look exactly the same as my brahmas. I also have Americanas that have the same neck feathers, color and lay. My brahmas are more mottled than this bird, however, I had a 'free' bird in one of my hatches that carried the same color as her roo brother, and she was 4 months old.

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