Have you ever had a chicken freeze to death?

I live in florida an I know it doesn't get near as cold but we did have freeze warnings the last few nights (20.f) My chickens did fine but I was waundering if the eggs that were out over night will still be good? I only have 6 chickens and I collect the eggs once a week. Should I be worried about the eggs if ther was a chance they froze?
first of all I doubt if they froze..

and yes, they are just fine to use..

However, perchance they did freeze the yolk becomes delicate and probably will break if you try to fry it sunny side up..

I had goose eggs laid in the snow last spring and many of them still hatched in the bator..

I live in ND. Last week it was -40 F WITHOUT wind chill factor. If chickens can freeze to death, I have not seen it yet. My coop keeps them typically 30 degrees warmer than outside air, and keeps draft off of them. But that was still -10 F. Keep them fed, and closed up and you should be good to go.

I will tell you though that eggs in this type of environ. will freeze and break.
I have lost birds to freezing by pond or waterer. I used to have small round horse/dog feeders for water, and I had some silly chickens go in for a dip and never come out. Also has a duck that froze in my small kiddie pool once. RIP Sierra

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