Have you ever had a nice rooster?

Defiantly different definitions of nice.My rooster would probably kill any baby chicks I introduced.Other then that,he is friendly,defends hens girls,and is a great food and water finder.
I would say the opposite. Yes, there are mean roosters. But those are the ones you hear about. You simply don't hear about the nice ones. Many of us have nice roos. The avatar roo you see here is Jack. He was the patriarch of many birds in my flock. He was not human aggressive. Not aggressive to my dog, or to other birds in the flock. He was not even aggressive to cockerels who were left in the flock with him. He loved his ladies, found them nice nest spots, and would fluff up the nest bedding for them. He accompanied his ladies to and from the nest box when they were out to free range. He loved his babies, and tidbitted all the birds in his flock, including the teen age cockerels.

Jack's replacement is Goliath. He is a huge mahogany red Buck Eye. And he is showing every promise of being as good a roo as Jack was.

I don't make pets of my roos. They know their place. From the moment that I know a bird is a cockerel, I adopt a hands off and an arm's length away policy. IMO, this is the best way to raise a roo who is not human aggressive.
I had 5 roosters last year and all were jerks. No I didn't cuddle or coddle them, but they were jerks to the ladies, and to me. Craigslist fixed their hormones.
I have never had a mean rooster. mine are always nice. sometimes a little standoffish but thats ok in my book. I have three right now, and one likes to get petted

my rooster breeds have included, rosecomb bantams, buff orpingtons, salmon faverolla, la fleche, a sex link rooster,
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I've had 6 friendly roosters that were never aggressive to us and 2 that were mean. So it really can vary. But my Ameracauna boy and bantam cochin boys that I have now, are so sweet!
When I was a kid, we had a dozen RIRs, seven of which turned out to be male. Every single one of them was a jerk. We also had an awful little Old English Game.

But after that first flock, I've not had a single mean rooster. We have something like fifteen now, ten of whom are destined for the auction barn. I would say I've had (hatched and purchased) upwards of thirty roosters after that first batch. Not a mean one in the bunch.

Of course, there are two bantam boys who keep going after my hens, and if they keep it up, they may not make it to the auction barn.
My Avatar is my roo Joey! A family of racoons had raided the barn & all that was left was a cracked egg. My husband opened it and Joey came out! He would greet me on the porch when I'd get home from work late night. He'd sleep on the back deck & look in on my hubby in the morning. We can pick him up & pet him. He's Brahma & maybe mixed with French copper maran. He is now retired as a pet as he's locked up in the hen house! Coyotes moved in the area. Got his eggs in the incubator & they're fertile! So he's going to be a papa roo! Brahmas are very docile, so that's where he gets his tempermant & was hand raised.
I have had tons of nice roosters, it is easier for me to just list the mean ones I have had because if I listed the nice ones we would be here all day-

Chester, Brown leghorn- Aggressive to all humans, lived till his 2nd b-day and then was killed by a Raccoon.

Jumbo Cornish Cross- snuck past my dad on cull day and made it till 1 year, he would attack small kids, was killed by a coyote.

6 White leghorns- hatchery must have been drunk when sexing this order because they gave us 8 leghorn roosters in are order of 50 leghorn hens, 6 of the 8 were aggressive towards all humans, 2 were nice boys. 4 of them were culled by my dad who got sick of being mauled by roosters every time he went out to the coop. other 2 were killed by a fox.

Golden Campine- From the same batch as all the leghorns, he would attack small kids. Killed by a coyote on year 1.

I have had the most problems with leghorns as you can see by this list... I have had over 30 roosters and these are all the mean guys who come to mind. I excluded a RIR rooster from the list, he is 1 year old and had a stroke when he was a few months old, he does not function properly and will do all sorts of crazy stuff, he attacks randomly but can't use his spurs for some reason so idk if a rooster that attacks you by pecking and ramming should count.
Right now I have 5 roosters, all of them are nice besides the stroke one, 2 RIR, 1 black Australorp, 1 EE, and a White leghorn.
That’s a great story.Could be made into a movie.
My Avatar is my roo Joey! A family of racoons had raided the barn & all that was left was a cracked egg. My husband opened it and Joey came out! He would greet me on the porch when I'd get home from work late night. He'd sleep on the back deck & look in on my hubby in the morning. We can pick him up & pet him. He's Brahma & maybe mixed with French copper maran. He is now retired as a pet as he's locked up in the hen house! Coyotes moved in the area. Got his eggs in the incubator & they're fertile! So he's going to be a papa roo! Brahmas are very docile, so that's where he gets his tempermant & was hand raised.

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