Have you ever had a nice rooster?

My neighbor got four 2 day old Rhode island bantams and her only hen of the group died when she was a chick. My neighbor hand-raised the chicks and wrapped them in hats and sang them to sleep. I would chick-sit them and they were the most loving chicks. Now she has 3 roos and they follow her around the yard and get sad when she leaves. They dance around us but they are the most lovable roosters that i have ever met and I had a rooster that was literally my baby. I went over today to say hi and all they wanted to do was cuddle with me. It all depends on how you raise the chickens and how young they were when you got them. My old rooster was a "teenager" when we got him, but i went everywhere with him. I would always bring him out on a towel while i was watching TV and he would fall asleep on me. In the mornings I would go out, grab an apple and eat my apple with him on my shoulder pecking at the apple. He was one of the more lovable roosters that I met. This is him:
Love this, and agree. It does depend on how theyre raised as well :love:love
More space + more hens = happy, less aggressive rooster

More space means he won’t feel territorial, so he won’t be aggressive. More hens are good if you have multiple roosters. They’ll each have their own flock and no aggression should arise.
I totally agree with you Abriana, I have not had a aggressive rooster since the flock got to a 13 to 1 ratio with the hens. They are totally focused on their hens while they are out free ranging on our farm.
I had a barred rock that was horrible. I was afraid to mow the lawn, pretty much when you went near him he ambushed you and the more you tried to get him off, the more he attacked. We all have scars. I sent him away to a lady who removed his spurs, kept them off and let him live his life out on her farm... I’ve had bantam roos ever since and have never had a mean one yet. Currently my roo is a Serama. Oh he is tiny but he treats all the ladies like queens. He also protects quite well as he killed a rat that made the mistake of climbing thru the chicken wire.
I also have had good rooster, ( one was a welsummer "Jake", a buff orpington "Winston". But like many others there have been some mean ones. I had a Golden Polish whom we nicknamed "Leroy Brown" just like in the song. He would come after anything or anybody, when I had had my fill of being a gladiator ( you know defending yourself with the metal lid off the feed can) lol he was put down. I also had three Rhode Island Red roosters that were horrible. But I have had many good ones, so I do think it depends more on breed and personality. That being said I generally pick breeds that I think will make good roosters, I do not handle them unless it's after dark and I need to treat them with medication, dust them etc. I feel like if they can't see me and I do not talk to them and just take them off the roost, treat and put back they have no idea to think it's me doing anything. Naturally I do not talk when I am doing these things so there is no recognition. Seems to work well for me. All of my roosters and hens will go back in their pen after free ranging at the sound of me opening their door to the coop and rattling the metal can lid. I teach them this when they are very young so I can put them up if necessary. All in all I do think it would be hard to be without a rooster in the flock, their beauty, ability to give you hatchable eggs and the crowing I feel are worth it. Right now my only rooster is a 10 month old Bielenfelder ( whom I named Hans) who hasn't started crowing yet, but boy is he huge for 10 months. Seems like he will be a good rooster.
I had three roosters. The ones that came from the hatching eggs were not aggressive towards me. I continued to handle them daily as they grew up. Then when they matured, they banded together and stayed away from me. But I was/am still able to hold them and pet them. I sold two for hem and kept the BO for breeding with my BO hens.

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