Have you ever had one of those days??

and this is even better; my washing machine broke; apparently its been filling up with water and draining all night long..I can't get it to stop!

and I have a BLAZING headache...and I got about 3 hrs of sleep...


Sooo..when I come back home...I'm taking my migraine meds (so headache doesnt turn into one) and going back to bed...
Jeez, it is a full deck of bad cards! One of these days you will look back and laugh at all of the kids going bonkers on you that day. You would win the Mommy award!
On your washing machine take everything out turn it off leave off for awhile then back on check to see if it is filling then. I had a washer that did that all the time, dont know why but that worked for mine. Take a couple of excedrin if you dont want to go the migraine meds route. Excedrin usually stops my migraine if taken befoore full blown. Sounds like your son has the stomach bug all of us had last month. It was NOT fun. At least you got some new chickies. Go back to bed I'm sure things will be better when you wake up
We tried to turn it off/on but its all computer boarded ugh..so it just kept filling even after it was turned OFF..
we had to turn the water off to the house ugh...
but dh came home and finagled with it..its fixed again..for now lol
Well, I HATE to do this, but let me tell you my problems, and you'll feel pretty good about yours.......
My car was also hit by a deer, and the body shop kept it for A MONTH. I got it back and the door obviously isn't sealing properly because now when I drive it, I hear the wind wooshing through....but I can't tell where......Two weeks after I got it back, I drove on some black ice, did a 360 and bumped the guard rail on the way to the doctor's office. POOP Now I've got some minor damage that will cost $750 to fix.

I found drugs in my step-son's room AGAIN. The other kids told on him and now he has threatened to hurt them. (He's 17). I am so tired.....He is sooo difficult. He couldn't even behave on the bus and now I have to drive him to school. His dad got him an old car to drive, and he totaled it in TWO WEEKS, and he was so lucky not to have been killed.....along with two friends he had in the car that he was not supposed to.......So he can't understand why we don't want to let him drive now that his license is no longer suspended. He's also been taking sips of alcohol that we've had in the fridge (some wine). So now I've dumped all the booze out down the drain because this boy can't be trusted. His dad and I are just really fed up......

So, I'll take the puke, poop and pee.....LOL

You hang in there! (Sometimes you feel better knowing that others are having "one of those days" too!
I have to work with you step son's type in school. Not to be cruel but it drives my crazy, and my teacher puts me in groups with them on purpose because I'm able to set these guys straight for at least long enough to get the project done. (I can be scary when I want too be. Plus I'm almost six foot and built like a brick wall from swimming most of my life.)
But the whole class time I'm resisting the urge to smack them all on the head with a rolled up magazine... Barely...
Anyway, I hope you can get him in line, if only for his own good and not for your sanity..
wow Sharon..I'll keep my poop, pee and puke thank you much!

Per the drugs; why can't you do some SERIOUS intervention...??
seriously; dont let it get worse...

saying the obvious:

inpatient drug treatments (he needs it..it'll b easier to deal with if its EARLY on instead of years and years of use)
FAMILY therapy
depression meds if he needs them?
homeschooling -- dont say you cant..u can..I can..I do.. it just takes commitment..
take away all priveledges. (SP)
Take away all "extra" stuff in room except bed and dresser and clothes and alarm clock and things to do
with "school work".

Get the "total transformation" program..its $$ but it worked wonders with my now 13 yr old..he understand
the difference between respect/disprespect, what he gets/what he earned, etc..
check ebay..

such as:
he used to throw a fit about what I fixed for dinner. ..well I didnt fix him dinner anymore..and didnt buy
goodies to snack on either..he stopped it...
He used to "TELL ME" what he wanted..then when I said no and he threw a fit..I ignored it and walked away
then; the next time he asked for something he wanted..i said NO..walked away.
of course the whine comes next but whyyy I said plain n simple: I said no, because I do not feel like
purchasing you something (or taking you somewhere) when you are disrespectful to me. Walked away.

Boy let me tell you..afte ra month of NOT backing down..its 90% better; not perfect..but we have many
more good times than not.

I also used it on my 16 yr old...worked great..but took longer...we butted heads to whole time..
she was even here a few wks ago (now 20) and I asked her to brown the ground beef..while I fixed the
rest of the taco stuff. She said "Ok, can you get it out and put it in the pan" I said um, no, I asked you.
1/2 hr later or whatever...it still was NOT done..the li'l kids were in here saying MOM whens dinner?? (mind you we
are used to eating NO later than 615..it was 7ish..) I said we'll eat when Big sissy browns the ground beef..and walked away.
Well..we ate about 8pm..

I'm not sure if you posted your post for help or venting..but please take this post with love and kindness
not as a "DO THIS" type post..just ideas...

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