have you ever had some hens lay.....

My girls have only been laying for a month , but I joke that they make me dinner instead of breakfast ...I have noticed that they will start laying at about 9:00 am at the beiginning of a cycle ... and then it is an hour later each day till they get to about 4:00 pm then the skip the next day and start at 9:00 am the following day .... My sex links have followed this trend . My Red Leg crossbreed girl has laid 5 doulble yolkers in a row and not missed one day ... I am so glad I took a chance on these mutts !
Why yes we do almost every afternoon/night. Right now we have 5 hens laying 3 one day and 2 the next. Almost every afternoon there is another egg in the nest. I don't know who is laying an extra egg every day or taking turns every other afternoon, but that is their schedule so far. We spend a lot of time with them every day so it's not like we don't check anyway. It keeps them very friendly too.
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Yes, I never know what time my ladies will lay....sometimes I'll go out at 8am and find 2 eggs already! Usually though my SLW lays early in the day, and my Ameraucana lays anywhere from mid-morning to late afternoon. She laid about 6pm last night, so I am thinking she will skip today and lay in the morning.
Mine tend to lay in the morning.

Oddly enough, we got 3 eggs from 3 hens yesterday, then last night we got a no-shell egg (broken, eaten) under the perch....and still got 3 eggs from 3 hens today. That was bizarre.
If you catch them breaking and eating the eggs they are egg eaters. Mine have eaten eggs that had soft shells or thin ones that have cracked but they have never broken and eaten any eggs.

My birds lay pretty much all day. Sometimes they will lay several in the AM, but mostly they lay all day. The latest I have had a bird lay was 8PM
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