Having a rooster, will it help with predators?


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
I currently only have hens. I do have 2 guinea hens that are fairly good at alerts, but usually too late. I have what I consider to be a very good coop security wise, but still have issues with predators on occasion.
Will having a rooster make a difference in this area? Meaning, will he help deter any predators?
He will warn and MAYBE fight off an attack.I like my roo,but they can be a hassle if mean or rough on the hens.Give it a try to see if it helps.We got ours to deter hawks and establish a bit of order in the hens who were fighting a lot.
I know gamefowl are very powerfully built birds since they were originally used for fighting. There is a post on here of someones gamefowl actually killing a hawk. They are only agressive towards other roosters but it sounds like you only have hens so I don't think thats a problem.
Having a Roo would likely help. My Roos are always onGuard sounding the "haawkk" alarm Even Light Breed LF Roos can be protective I have a Broen LeGhorn who does a pretty good job- while not being aggressive.

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