having a stinking day


12 Years
Jan 12, 2008
easley sc
Just finsihed getting all the chicks outside in their temporary ( not predator proof) pens for some fresh air and sunshine ( and 95 degree heat) so I cna clean their their indoor brooders later when it cools off to reasonable- when I notice a black stick moving in the grass. SO that is why the eggs are so scarce- I grab the tail- and pull the snake out of mouse hole he is headed own .. and pull .. and pull- I have about 8 inches of snake above my hand and by the time I am done- my arm is straight out from my shoulder and the snake's head nearly touches the ground. I am 5 foot 7. this snake is 5 foot long!!!and so fat my hand does not completely close around him!-- so what does mr. snake do???? he musks me. I now smell to high heavens- It will not wash off. I have used all the baking soda, all the vinegar, all the body wash-LOL
but in the snake battle I notice something worse-- the head-- and only the head- of my sweet little crested mallard. Other than a few feathers- that is all I found of her. I moved the live trap-Will fill it with marshmallows this time. THe tuna was ignored. I hate that I put the babies outside now- but I am too hot to bring them back in right now. THis has been a stinky day
I am so sorry about your loss and your lousy day!
I hope it gets better.
this recipe is used to get skunk smell off dogs--it might work...

1 cup water
1/2 baking soda
1 tsp dish soap

Mix well, then when ready to use, add 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wash area, avoiding eyes etc. Rinse with clean water.

That might help. And get that snake!!!
What kind of snake, I am so scared of snakes.

I did not know they could spray? This is just so sad. Poor babies.
I second that, I had no idea that snakes could spray any type of musk and I used to catch and play with garter snakes and king snakes all the time as a kid. I've seen them spit, so where do they shoot the musk from?
It was a nice black rat snake-but it can be a nice snake over at the woodpile where I have no chicks or eggs.unfortunately my day hasn't gotten better really.I had to go do "stuff" and when I finally got home- a little chick that had been trying to die for a few days-succeeded- drowned himself in the waterer (which was a tiny lid-He was so tiny I was afraid to use a regular waterer even with marbles.I don't mind snakes-or spiders or even raccoons and hawks--just not near my chickens!

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