Having a troubling neighbor

Good Luck
I had the same problem with a neighbor. It just comes down that they don't want chickens because their snooty and think that "farming" is a dirty, smelly thing that they don't want in their neighborhood. Silly
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You got to be more diligent and a tad underhanded.

Does either of your neighbors have dogs? If so concentrate on the waste and noise associated with dogs and compare the noise levels of dog to roosters and chickens.the decibles for dogs is much higher and more constant.
If they have cats,concentrate on them if the cats are outside by stating disease a carniverous outdoor cat can bring and the sickness it can carry,and point out that chickens are omnivours and can sweep a good area clean of unwanted bugs and vermin more efficiently than cats.Also note to them that indoor cat liter clogs our landfills because there is no ready reuseable or recycleable way to process those detergents.
Then say the benefits of chickens.they use and recycle.Tell them that chicken raising is in a constant cirle process.chickens have manure,which goes into the garden,which helps the plants grow,which brings forth sustinance,which in turn goes back to the chickens.
*side note.I love dogs and have cats.This is for helping you and in no way,shape or form do I ever want to bash other animals.
Tell them dogs produce way more poop then a couple of hens. My friends have 2 dogs (one is a poodle and the other a lab) and they had like 20 gal of poop to clean up. We are in WI and during the winter the poop just sits there and hides under the snow then when everything melts the mess IS NASTY!!!! ----- Take them so pictures of the awesome set ups they have here in BYC.
I know Knoxville TN recently agreed to the 6-8 hen plan that you're proposing.
Here's a link to the article. Maybe you can reference it and other cities who allowed hens.


Seems like reminding people that these are fresh eggs, with no salmonella scare, should help your case too. I know that when Knoxville was on the fence, the second egg recall pushed the vote into the YES margin....

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