Having a WORSE day, any advice?

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and well wishes.

The necropsy showed that it was poison that killed Mr.S.
I managed to grab Boyo because the very kind people at the animal rescue agreed to give him shots of Vitamin K - this is the treatment for poisoning. Boyo started to bleed from his beak and nostrils when I got him in the carrier, they're going to keep him there and give him injections to try to stop the internal bleeding.

What a bad week.

Thanks you guys for being here.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Have you figured out where the poison is coming from? You have quite a few peas don't you? I would love to free range my peas in the fall. I couldn't keep them out of the neighbors corn field I know and he is the only nasty neighbor probably in a 50 mile radius. I know he would complain or put out poison just because he is that type. Then I live on small highway, but since it is only 4 mile through way, people drive like it's the Indy 500. When a highway patrol man patrols it about once a year he makes a killing. My prayers are with you also.
I am just logging on and catching up on all of the posts. I'm glad that the rescue group is treating Boyo. I am sennding good vibes your way that your pea pulls through. I am so sorry to hear all of this.
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Thank you so much fbc, Thang, and all of you wonderful peapeople.
I have been avoiding coming back to this thread to report that Boyo didn't make it.

I used to call Skittles and Boyo the "Dynamic Duo" because they were inseparable, which is probably how they both got into the same bad something. Looks like that "something" was probably d-con pellets. Neighbor being dealt with by landlord. That's another story and out of my hands.

Guess it's no surprise that I have been madly spoiling the rest of the gang these days.
The blueberries are flowing freely.
You are so thoughtful FBC, thank you for the very kind offer.
Next year is the first year we'll have three hens laying, so I'm sure it will be getting crowded here before you know it.
But I really appreciate the thought (although I would have been hoping for a Thangette...)
And yes Boyo was an IB, here he is:

Thank you so much fbc, Thang, and all of you wonderful peapeople.
I have been avoiding coming back to this thread to report that Boyo didn't make it.

I used to call Skittles and Boyo the "Dynamic Duo" because they were inseparable, which is probably how they both got into the same bad something. Looks like that "something" was probably d-con pellets. Neighbor being dealt with by landlord. That's another story and out of my hands.

Guess it's no surprise that I have been madly spoiling the rest of the gang these days.
The blueberries are flowing freely.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hit :hit :hit I am SO SO SORRY. :hugs I hope the neighbor is dealt with accordingly. That is uncalled for. :mad:
You are so thoughtful FBC, thank you for the very kind offer.
Next year is the first year we'll have three hens laying, so I'm sure it will be getting crowded here before you know it.
But I really appreciate the thought (although I would have been hoping for a Thangette...)
And yes Boyo was an IB, here he is:

WOW!! HE IS HANDSOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:love :love

I am so upset that this has happened. I am SO MAD !!!!! :mad:

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