Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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Cool beans!

You know Nifty... I was thinking that you were so right that this is going to be really, really hard. It seems that those of us who are going to take on the HUGE project should probably be together so we can really focus and brainstorm. It would be highly advantageous to send us someplace where it's quiet, warm, a good working atmosphere .. you know, like Cancun or the Riviera. You know, to help the creative juices flow... This is for the good of BYC so we want to do our very best.


Ok, so we'll wait to see who else jumps in to help on this itty bitty project.
I completely agree!! And for sure you'll need me there to provide additional leadership and consulting. Oh, and to make sure we're kept in line we'll need all of the moderators to come along in the capacity of supervisors.
I'd be more than happy to pitch in on this project. My computer skills are pretty good, but not phenomenal...however I could easily help compile and create the necessary pages. I have photos from day 1 - (currently) 14 weeks for black australorp, speckled sussex, welsummer, SLW and BR. I rehomed all but the SLW roo relatively early, but have some younger photos. I think we might want to split the pictures into pullets/roos for those we know as early as possible to help people differentiate. I think some of the more variable breeds, such as EEs are going to be difficult to catalog so maybe if we could get some group pictures for such? Just some thoughts.
Maybe I'll play around with some configurations later tonight, if my dh isn't using the laptop.
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I think this idea is brilliant! It's actually the reason I'm here, and joined in the first place. I've aquired 10, free run, young chickens recently. I don't know yet who's a rooster or a hen, nor what breed they are. So far, I'm assuming they are cross breeds! Please help. I will greatly benifit from this idea, as I'm sure many other will as well! Thank you.
We can also leverage specialization of resources, skills, and time. What I need is people to promote this, obtain pictures, label (name) them correctly and resize them. If a sticky point is the creation of the page and the thumbnails I'm more than happy to take that on myself.

Mostly we need help with getting the pictures and choosing the best ones.
I just joined after realizing that I've been reading posts from BYC every time I google something. I would love to help out with this project. I'm not sure how to make thumbnails, but I'm happy to learn. I can resize and crop and everything with no problem.

I would suggest that, if possible, pictures be included of adolescent chicks as well, like 8 and 12 weeks. I got black australorp and black jersey giant chicks and put them together in the brooder. They're now 10 weeks old and I'm trying to tell the difference between the breeds and sex them. Some are obvious, but some are in between and I'm wondering if it's the breed.

I wish I'd taken pictures of my Buckeyes. They're 10 weeks old now too, but I have 5 day old broilers I can take pictures of and I will have a number of other breeds coming or hatching this summer that I can take pictures of. Buff Orpingtons, Blue and White standard Cochins, Buckeyes, Cuckoo Marans, Golden Buff, Ameraucana, Black, White, Buff and Grey Silkies.

If it's best to contact me privately and let me know what you need me to do I'm happy to help!


PS I'm also looking at what ages the different breeds reach size and sexual maturity. Is there any way we could try and compile this info from breeders on the site and add it with the pictures, since it fits with the development theme?
I don't know what excites me more, the fact that so many people are interested in this fun project, or that suzeqte and kbobulski joined just to make their first posts on this thread!


Kendra, don't worry about the thumbnails, etc. The most important thing to this is that EVERYONE starts taking tons of pictures of their birds from day 1 to day 60 and we'll work out the nitty gritty later.
Just for the record

I didn't JOIN to post on this thread. I joined and this was the first thread I posted on when I started going through the forum

I will start taking pictures, but is someone keeping track of what breeds are being covered and by whom? And is someone starting to accept pictures to get them formatted for the database?

Just curious
hahaha... well now your first AND second posts are here!

Let me think about the best way to do pictures. If the world was perfect I'd suggest:

We have 2-4 organizers and they split up a list of breeds. That person is in charge of receiving the images, finding the best ones, and organizing them.

Once all the images for a breed are ready they can be sent to me and I'll add them to the page.
Well, I had planned on putting together a site that had chick pics and would allow you to cross reference and search by color, trait (feathered legs etc), pattern, comb...etc. But, only one member sent me pics...sooooo
on that

They have this wildflower site that you answer questions like... how many leaves, what shape, color of flower...etc... and it kicks out a bunch of options for what it might be, with photos. Any way we could include this with the project????

Since I will no longer be doing mine as I don;t have anyone to send me pics...LOL... I'd be happy to lend my skills to this project.
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