Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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Nifty, do we want final images in just jpg or can you use other common file types as well such as bmp and/or windows images (can't remember the abbreviation ).

I think this was the only question for me?

jpg is the way to go because it is a standard for all computing systems, but mainly because of file size. BMP, GIF, PNG, etc. can easily be converted to JPG.

Keep up the great work everyone! I'm going to mention this great project in the next newsletter so let's make sure we have all our ducks.... er... chicks in a row so it will be easy for others to join in the fun!​

I hope I'm not addressing things which already have been, but here are my 2 thoughts:

1 ~ What if the link to whatever (Instructions, photos etc.) were to be put on the first page, in the first post, of this thread?

2 ~ Have rights been discussed? Nifty will know what he wants to do about it, but I think that when instructing people on uploading/offering photos for this project, they need to know that they are either:

A ~ Giving them to the site.


B ~ That they retain the rights to them.

With a few words as to what whichever is chosen means, for a clear understanding, and to cover all legalities.

As I said, this may already have been discussed. I'm sorry if I'm repeating something already hashed out.

Good work, keep it up!
They're not being used for any kind of advertising..... so I don't see why they wouldn't retain rights to them. This is just for educations sake. However, once up on the id site... there would be a disclaimer that the photos belong to the photographers and are NOT to be reused without expressed written consent from the owners.
I have a little page that I started last fall after receiving my chicks. It might give you an idea on how to use thumbnail pics so that you can fit more on a page. They easily scale up to full size when clicked. It's a link off my home page here on BYC.


Mine are all grown up, so I couldn't contribute any new pics, but wanted to show support and offer up an idea that might could be incorporated if needed.

Thanks for all your efforts going into this!
I don't know if there will be much I can do to help with this project, as most of my chicks this year are pretty well grown, and next year's chicks will mostly be cross-breeds, but I did want to say thank you! I think it's a really good idea, and will be helpful to a lot of people!

Tutter: The link to the instructions is at the bottom of the first thread on this post. I agree that adding the "photobucket" site to upload to should be there also. I'll see about that.

schlitch: We'd love for you to upload the pictures you already have to our photobucket site if you know the actual age of the chicks/chickens in your pictures. Also, add the sex to each. The more pictures we have to chose from the better our 'page' will be to help others.

Kathleen, if you have even one or two pictures of chicks at the ages we are looking for we'd sure like to see them.

I appreciate you all adding your two-cents to this project. We want to hear whatever your thoughts are.
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I'd be willing to help out, but I have some chickens that are 3 or 4 months old, and 25 chicks that are 6 weeks. I do have pictures of them at younger ages, but not all, and not at consistant progressive ages. Would my pictures be helpful if I don't have the full age spectrum?
Chickies: Absolutely! If we have ten people that have pictures at ten different ages then we can use them all and cover that breed. So, we'll take whatever you've got that fits with our requirements. To see the requirements please use the link in my signature line.

I totally agree. Even if you just have one picture we can certainly use it!

If you can just PM myself or one of the other organizers and let us know which picture you have or will have.

For example, you have 6 week old Black Australorps and can take pictures from 6 weeks on, plus you have one day old and 3 week old pictures. And you have just females.

PM someone and and say you have
Black Australorp Pullet pictures - day old and 3 weeks old to post soon
and you can promise
Black Australorp Pullet pictures - 6 weeks to adult.

Does that make sense???

Any pictures you already have you can post on the photobucket site, just make sure to tag them with the breed/sex/age and your BYC name for credit.

It doesn't matter if we have 5 people working on the same breed. One person might have a great front shot of the head and another have a great side picture.

We appreciate everyone's help, whether you can send us 1 picture or 100!

Thanks so much!!!!!

OK, I got a bunch of chicks today and got the camera going!

Some are mystery roos, so you may get to help ID some!

I've got a nice bunch of photos to start working on! Can someone tell me how to do the white background with text inside? And what size we're working with on the photos (final size in inches) please???

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