Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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If we have the people who are willing to help then I think we should do it now also. I'll PM some of those who said they were willing to help already and see if they go help with this part.

ANYONE else reading this who wants to be a part of this project please let us know. We'd love everyone's input and help to get this up and running sooner than later.

I just posted about something similar. I am always wondering at what age certain breeds do certain things, like crow and lay. So that info would be good to have on there too. I did not read all the posts so if someone else already mentioned that, forgive me. But knowing at what age a barred rock will lay (approx. of course) would be very helpful. Thanks and if I can help in any way I am here.

Here's the sample page I put together. Should we add conservation status or anything else to it? I'm waiting on some photo editing software to get the photos put in pretty boxes with text, and then I can get some of them up

Let me know what you think. I can easily change the order of things, add, subtract, etc.. But it would be much easier to do that now rather than down the line, so please speak up!

I agree - I think that it looks great! However, you shouldn't have taken a picture of a white chicken against a white background ... it came out all white!!

I'm so anxious to see the first page put together.
I would be willing to help, I am pretty good with pictures, and have editing software on my computer. I don't have very many of my own pics, but I do have a few. I think this is an awesome idea!
Here are some pictures of my chicks that I got from Ideal hatchery this spring. I will post them at different ages separately, as that is how they are separated in Photobucket.

Buff Orpington, Pullet, Week 1

Easter Eggers, Pullets, Week 1

Easter Egger, Pullet, Week 1

Blue Andalusian, Pullet, Week 1
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Buff Orpington, Pullet, 2 Weeks

Blue Andalusians, Pullets, 2 Weeks

Blue Andalusian, Pullet, 2 Weeks

Easter Egger, Pullet, 2 Weeks
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Thanks guys! I will let you know when I need help with the computer stuff. I'm waiting on photos to come in and trying to get the stuff compiled at the moment!! If you're itching to work on the project PM me and I'll get you hooked up with some photos that need backgrounds and labels!!!

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