Having pug puppies today.. (webcam) --- 8 week old pictures page 3


Confederate Money Farm
11 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Independent State of Dade NWGa
We're having puppies this morning. Frankie was in an out of the box all night but nothing. This morning about 11 she went out in the yard to use the bathroom an did not come back. When I went out to find here I found her with a puppy. Brought them both back in an she has now had a second an waiting for more..

Pug Puppy Cam
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Just want to say, that I am glad she did not have issues whelping the first pup on her own outside. I personally wouldn't have let her go out on her own that close to her due date, but that is just me.
Congrats on the pups! Please post pics of them.
I have a question about your incubator cam...it seems like theres a big black bucket thing, full of chicks, and then one chick running around outside of it. Is it just one chick- did he escape or something? Maybe it's more than one chick and just looks the same. :p
That's a rubber food bowl full of chick starter. Looks tall in the camera but its about 4 inches. They can jump in an out of it. When I was out there around noon there was only one in the bowl an 15 or so out running around. I see two out right now. Most are probably sleeping in the bowl or behind the camera.
Awww! They are so cute!! I love my pugs! Did she have 5 or 6? I can't tell because they are all piled up together. Are some black or is it just the lighting?

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