Hawk attack, just wanting to vent a little

When Flurry and Frosty were young we had them in our dogs' yard for a day. It was a Sunday and I was waiting for John to get home since we were going to pick up fencing for their run. I was upstairs with the door open and heard a commotion from outside. I knew something was wrong so I ran out onto the deck yelling "S**T, S**T!" Got out there and saw a hawk flying away out of the yard but with no chicken. Flurry had been grabbed and had puncture wounds, and we weren't sure if he'd live, but he survived and is about 2 years old now.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Sometimes I feel like I can't adequately protect them. I got stuck at work until 8 tonight and had an hour drive home and was really panicking. John was out someplace and wasn't there to get the birds in either. I felt sick pulling up to the house (we had a possum kill one a little over a week ago and I've really made the run as safe as I can make it but I still worry). They aren't free range for that reason. Everyone was fine and sleeping and OK but what if there's a next time? I don't think I can handle it.
I went thru same scenarios before.. I solved it for $218. There are lower priced options out there. Do it yourself for lil cash.
I was so happy this morning to have gotten my first post-molt egg.... Four hours later she was mortally wounded.... We were using a large weeping willow tree for coverage...

The only "coverage" that prevents loses to hawks and GHOs is the kind of "coverage" that covers the entire run, coop, or pen area. Trees are only good for hawks to light on and rest up on while picking out the most tender hen or rooster in your flock. Observe how well "coverage" worked to protect the chickens in this video.
:goodpost: That would be referred to as a hawk with cast iron testicles. All those that I seen needed to drop down on their prey and take off with it.
I have a run area that is accessible from some gaps in-between sun tarps over it. There is also about 2 to 3 feet gap from fence to tarp. I see hawks sitting in adjacent trees. They can see the chickens below. Never dared to enter area. Maybe not hungry enough. I have Red Tail Hawks. Sometimes solo, and sometimes in pairs.

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