Hawk attack killed one and injured another


In the Brooder
Oct 8, 2018
***sorry for the rambling...Im a newbie owner and this inccident just happened, I'm a bit panicked!!***
I have (had) 3 girls. Two 7 week old standards (not sure what breed yet) and a 5-6 week old japanese bantam. Today while out in the garden I had my girls in a bigger sized dog crate so they could be outside with me--we are finishing their coop so they remain inside much of the day for now--- I turn around and not 10 yards away a hawk had ripped the little one out of the crate and then grabbed one of my larger ones (piper) by the head/beak to try to pull her out but she was too big and I scared the hawk so it let her go and flew away with the only the little one .

My piper is bleeding from her neck/inside beak (photo attached) and I was wondering if there was any advice on treatment? Or how to deal with a traumatized chicken. She was also very bonded with the one who was taken and is obviously upset/traumatized.
I tried my best to capture her injuries on camera but didn't want to hurt her further :/.... Some of the injuries dont show up too well in the photo.
Anyway. Any advice/input is much appreciated!!
Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. The bleeding from the beak and neck is worrisome. She probably is in shock, so I would let her rest in a warm and dim spot, separate from the rest. Can you see how bad the neck wound is? Do you have any Vetericyn Wound spray or Chlorhexidene that you can weaken with water and clean the wound when bleeding stops? I would later try offering some water with electrolytes or SaveAChick added. Poultry NutriDrench is also good instead, a drop or two, and offer water. Let us know how she is doing.
Thank you. I cleaned the wound with am Epsom salt saline solution and a some homemade neosporin. Cleaned the blood our of her beak and it seems to be stopped. The neck wound doesnt seem as bad once I cleaned the blood. Her eye is swollen and she is definitely in shock but she is chirping and drinking water. I do have all of the products you mentioned being shipped as we speak--albeit too little too late! So I WILL have a little first aid kit together soon.
She has become very clingy to me. And very quiet, as before she was very curious and active...but that's to be expected...

I think shes going to make it! Im keeping my fingers crossed and a keen eye on her.
Thank you. I cleaned the wound with am Epsom salt saline solution and a some homemade neosporin. Cleaned the blood our of her beak and it seems to be stopped. The neck wound doesnt seem as bad once I cleaned the blood. Her eye is swollen and she is definitely in shock but she is chirping and drinking water. I do have all of the products you mentioned being shipped as we speak--albeit too little too late! So I WILL have a little first aid kit together soon.
She has become very clingy to me. And very quiet, as before she was very curious and active...but that's to be expected...

I think shes going to make it! Im keeping my fingers crossed and a keen eye on her.
Sounds like you are doing what you can for her!
Drinking is good. She's little, so being clingy is normal, she's used to snuggling with her flockmates so accomodate her a bit:) If you happen to have a little stuffed animal or feather duster you can put in her container for her to sleep with that may help too.

I hope she recovers quickly, thank you for the update, please keep us posted on her progress.
I am so happy to hear that she is responding well, and hope that she continues to get better. She might need to have to have some supervised visits with a flockmate or two while she is recuperating. When she starts eating, regular chick feed, feed mixed with a little water to make an oatmeal concistancy, and some chopped egg or liver for a treat would probably be attractive to her. BluKote spray might be something good later to color her red wound blue to disguise it when she is with the other chicks. It is not good with a deep wound, but when it is healing, it would be good.

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