Hawk attack!


5 Years
May 22, 2017
Boy, did I have a crazy day! I came home, and not ten minutes later, my mom is in the backyard SCREAMING. I automatically knew it was about the chickens, so I ran. I went out there, and feathers were everywhere! One of my chickens almost got taken by a hawk! My mom kicked at it and yelled, so it ended up dropping my chicken. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt. All my chickens were terrified though :( They were all huddled underneath a nesting box, a few were trying to dig under the coop. After I herded them into the coop, I grabbed the chicken that got picked up and checked on her. Poor thing! Last time I let my chickens outside the run unsupervised.
I am too! Right now all of mine are either in the coop or hiding under it because of the T-storm we are having. Yesterday there was an Eagle flying around here and got one of the neighbors geese bit I was lucky didn't get my chickens.
I am too! Right now all of mine are either in the coop or hiding under it because of the T-storm we are having. Yesterday there was an Eagle flying around here and got one of the neighbors geese bit I was lucky didn't get my chickens.
Wow! I can't imagine having eagles around, they must be impossible to stop. I hope none take any of your chickens, and I wish your neighbor the best :hugs
They sure are and a farmer can't do anything about the eagles seeing how they are an endangered species and under special law here in NY. That eagle is a threat so something should be able to be done but nope. The eagle isn't a small one either, he's HUUUGE!!!!!
They sure are and a farmer can't do anything about the eagles seeing how they are an endangered species and under special law here in NY. That eagle is a threat so something should be able to be done but nope. The eagle isn't a small one either, he's HUUUGE!!!!!
That just sounds like a huge hassle! I'm sure it must be so frustrating to not be able to take care of the issue, since they're endangered. Hopefully none of your birds get taken. Best of luck :hugs

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