Hawk Attack


Happy Chickens!
Aug 29, 2017
Woodstock, NY
My Coop
My Coop
I let the birds out to free range, and in about a minute this happened. So weird that the hawk didn't care that I was there. Not sure how I feel about letting them out now, we only do when we are there with them since we live in the woods and have so many predators. So glad that little Piper ran towards me. The hawk nearly ran into me too. Never thought I'd have smacked a hawk.

Dang! Your superhero name is obviously Hawk Puncher. :D

I had one a couple of weeks ago. No camera, but it would have showed me 1)flapping a firepit cover at it and 2)swinging a 2x4 like a baseball bat then throwing like a javelin (well, throwing). Bird looked at me like I was demented.

I wonder if yours got enough of a fright that it won't come back...
Dang! Your superhero name is obviously Hawk Puncher. :D

I had one a couple of weeks ago. No camera, but it would have showed me 1)flapping a firepit cover at it and 2)swinging a 2x4 like a baseball bat then throwing like a javelin (well, throwing). Bird looked at me like I was demented.

I wonder if yours got enough of a fright that it won't come back...
You had quite a war! Mine was so fast and sudden. I really hope he shops elsewhere for his dinner.
Wow, that's an amazing video!

I think they get so intent on catching food that they can fail to notice their surroundings - especially young birds out on their own, who can get a little desperate.

It's not true that hawks have lost all fear of human beings, otherwise they would constantly walk right up to people and they don't do that. However: there are WAY more of us today than at any time in the past. They do have to get used to us being around, because we are just freaking everywhere. So I would say instead that they are more accustomed to a human presence, since they can not very well get away from us. If they ever do completely lose their fear, I am definitely getting into falconry at that point! :gig

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