Hawk attack?

Forget the chicken wire and use hardware cloth, 1/2" will do, everywhere.
Oh my gosh thank you soooo much!!! I’ll absolutely use the 1/2” hardware cloth. Do I get it from the hardware store? Also what would you use to secure it to the chain link fence? @Criticalicious and @Folly's place
I had no idea that the raccoons could get through chicken wire!!! My poor girls have been through the ringer and are so stressed. I feel so bad for them.
I have chicken wire with welded wire and so far nothing has gotten through it. My pens are quite large so the birds aren't close enough to the fence for a coon to reach through and grab them. I couldn't afford to use hardware cloth with the size of my pens. I do have electric wire going around all of the coops and pens and netting over the tops. I think the hawk got in through a breach in the netting. My pens are 60 feet deep. The netting I bought was 200 feet x 50 feet so I was short 10 feet so I bought a couple of packages of deer netting which was 150 feet x 14 feet. A place where I overlapped the netting came loose so I think the hawk got in through the gap. I fixed it now.

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